Which Mattress Should You Choose for a Good Sleep?

Bed selection is an important issue where resting comfort, which is a very valuable part of our daily lives, comes into play.

Which Mattress Should You Choose for a Good Sleep?

When you sleep, you recharge your batteries to face a new day, and more. The brain activity that occurs during sleep allows us to memorize important information, learn from the day’s events, process negative experiences, and eliminate unnecessary information from memory.

Therefore, rest is a fundamental activity for our health and a good bed is essential for a good rest.

What type of bed should be chosen?

When choosing a mattress, the first thing we think about is which type we are going for: spring, memory or latex?

To understand what type of mattress to choose, we need to take a step back and consider our physical characteristics and the way we sleep.

In fact, a good mattress must support the body weight correctly, respecting the natural curvature of the spine. This means that it should not be too soft, so as not to sink us into positions that would harm our back, nor too hard, because it would be uncomfortable.

Years ago, there was a common belief that a firm mattress was better for the back. In fact, it is a myth that does not hold true, as we find a firm mattress preferable to a too soft one. In fact, a mattress that is too firm cannot adapt to the natural curves of our body and forces us into an unnatural position for our spine.

There are several factors that affect when choosing a bed type: first of all body weightA firmer mattress is better for those who are heavier, while a softer one is better for those who are lighter.

The first position assumes sleepBack or stomach sleepers need a firmer mattress, while side sleepers need a softer mattress that allows their shoulders to sink in.

Let's see the most important bed types and their features in detail to understand which bed is ideal for you to sleep well.

Bed for a good sleep

Memory foam mattress

Memory foam mattresses are perfect for people who always sleep in the same position.

They perfectly support the spine because they are modeled on our body and are what we need to sleep well. A memory foam mattress takes time to take its ideal shape. Always slowly, they return to their original shape if not used.

While this means they may have a harder time adjusting to those who constantly roll over throughout the night, they are the ideal choice for those with a preferred sleeping position.

Latex mattress

It is the right bed for those who are allergic to mites and those who change positions frequently at night.

Latex mattresses offer good support. Their main feature is their flexibility, which allows them to adapt to our body. Unlike memory foam, latex quickly regains its original shape. For this reason, it is suitable for those who move a lot during sleep, as it quickly adapts itself to the positions taken by the body.

This is a great, mite-proof mattress for those with respiratory allergies and asthma, but unfortunately some are allergic to the latex itself.

Spring mattress

The most traditional and popular mattresses. The springs adapt to body pressure and provide a push against the weight.

They are well ventilated beds, best for those who suffer from heat and night sweats.

Pocket spring mattress

It is an evolution of the traditional spring mattress, designed to eliminate the stiffness of the springs. In fact, each spring is placed in an individual fabric bag, allowing the mattress to conform well to body pressure, improving circulation.

Some innerspring mattresses have a memory foam top layer that provides extra comfort.

bed for good sleep

Tell me how you sleep and I will tell you how to choose the right bed for you.

One of the most important criteria for choosing the ideal mattress for a good night's sleep is the position you sleep in.

We have already mentioned the fact that the most suitable mattress for those who fidget during sleep is a latex or spring mattress, while the perfect one for those who stay in the same position is a memory one.

However, it also makes a difference Which position assumed during sleep. Let's see how it is.

On the one hand

Are you one of those people who like to sleep on their side, perhaps curled up like a fetus? The right mattress for you should be soft because your shoulders and sides put a lot of pressure. In this case, it is better to opt for a memory foam mattress.

Belly up

Back sleepers need some support in the lower spine, which tends to sink in. Therefore, a model that is too soft should be avoided as it can create an unnatural position. At the same time, a model that is too hard can cause strain on the lower back muscles.

The conclusion is that in this case it is better to choose a medium-firm mattress, whether memory foam or soft.

Belly down

Those who sleep with their face against the pillow need a fairly firm mattress, which does not allow them to sink their chest relative to the rest of their body, which causes back pain and soreness. In this case, memory foam that takes the shape of the body is not recommended. A spring mattress is much more suitable.

Restless sleep

For those who are restless at night and move frequently, the right mattress is pocket spring or latex. In the first, the springs actually respond to body pressure independently of those next to them, so the movement does not spread throughout the entire bed and does not disturb those sleeping on the other side. In the second, it immediately adapts to the shape of the body of those sleeping on it and is therefore suitable for those who change position frequently.

Always sleep in the same position

The perfect mattress for you is in memory foam! In fact, this type of mattress adapts perfectly to the body shape and keeps it stable over time.

You suffer from night sweats

If you tend to get hot and sweaty at night, it's important to choose a mattress that is breathable and thermoregulatory, such as a spring mattress.

Castiflex brand Memory Spring mattress

Castiflex brand Memory Spring mattress

How to choose a good mattress

To choose a good bed, it is important to consider some factors, especially the price.

It is good to avoid very low prices, because a good bed is always a significant expense. And since our health depends on the quality of our rest, it is a necessary expense not to miss.

When you go to a store to buy a mattress, don't just sit on the bed and bounce around a bit. Put your modesty aside and lie down for at least 5 minutes. Only then can you really get an idea of ​​whether the mattress is right for you.

One last tip: a very important feature that should not be overlooked is the lining that the mattress is covered in. Make sure that it is made of natural and breathable fabrics such as cotton.

Tell us how you sleep in the comments and we'll help you choose the right mattress for you!

Which Mattress Should You Choose for a Good Sleep?
The topic was first published on mobeltrend.com.


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