What to Consider When Buying Household Goods?

Efficient appliances can help you save a lot of money on your home budget. Check their labels and learn how to use them correctly.

If you buy efficient devices and use them well, you win.

In many shopping centres and small shops, the January sales have already started. After the economic effort that Christmas requires, there is nothing like this break that allows you to invest in your home, to improve it, without spending a lot of euros. If you need to replace your old fridge or your washing machine or your dishwasher, this is a good time to make this decision.

From the Acierto comparator they compiled some ideas to make energy savings possible through the use of the following. efficient devices as well as with responsible attitudes and gestures.

Efficient devices … and much more

efficient devices
From: Pixabay

The above mentioned comparison platform analyzed lThe consumption patterns of Spanish companies and families and their evolution during the COVID-19 crisis reveal different profiles according to user habits.

However, all these models, teleworking and the pandemicLast March alone, electricity consumption in homes increased by 28%, which meant an increase in bills of between 15 and 30 euros.

Energy saving It remains a pending issue for the Spanish, since when deciding on one appliance or another, its consumption is hardly taken into account. The same happens with the energy rating of a house: it is the least influencing factor when deciding to buy, it can mean savings of about 40% when choosing a sustainable home.

What are the most expensive devices?

efficient devices
From: Pixabay

electrical appliances – along with heating – the ones that consume the most electricity. In addition to their large size, some are constantly connected to the network. However, contrary to what you might think, the refrigerator is not the most expensive to maintain – day and night. The washing machine and dryer produce the highest energy consumption. Then come the oven, dishwasher and vacuum cleaner.

When it comes to saving money, efficient kitchens and appliances are the epitome of the matter. Classes A, A+ and A++ are at the forefront of efficiency. Take these into consideration when purchasing and also learn how to use them.

Ceramic hob and oven, efficient appliances

efficient devices
From: Pixabay

They are the two most “attractive” on the electrical grid. But if you get efficient devices, you will see a big difference. For example, induction hob It consumes much less than the one that does not and is safer. As for the oven, pyrolytics provide a very comfortable cleaning, but their main consideration is that they use a lot of energy for this.

efficient devices
From: Pixabay

Take into account the possibility of simultaneous preparation two or three plates in the oven, This way you not only save energy, but also avoid spending extra time in the kitchen. And another tip: when cooking Do not open the door during cooking, Since the internal temperature drops significantly, it requires more heat input to reach the programmed degrees. It is also more convenient to use the residual heat (last 10 minutes) to finish cooking the food while the oven is off.

Refrigerator: do not open and close constantly

efficient devices
From: Pixabay

The first step to saving money with an efficient appliance is to choose its location well. In the case of a refrigerator, you should place away from heat sources and avoid constantly opening and closing the door.

It is also important to remove the cardboard or packaging from the products placed inside and not to introduce warm or hot foods: it is better to wait for them to cool completely.

Washing machine, dryer and dishwasher are always full

efficient devices
From: Pixabay

The golden rule for using a washing machine is to always ensure that the load is full, whether the drum is halfway or not. The same advice can be applied to the dishwasher. In the first case, that of the washing machine, Washing temperature should be between 30-40º C, When in the dishwasher, it needs to be higher so that the dirt can be completely removed. Before, you need to rinse the dishes thoroughly, which will allow you to program shorter wash cycles.

If you are thinking of renewing your washing machine, choose a thermo-efficient model, As it reduces washing time by 25% and if you consider drying your clothes afterwards, the spin programs at 1200 rpm help to save 20% energy.

As you know, efficient appliances help you to consume energy more responsibly and are easy to identify thanks to the energy label. You also have the advantage that you can always buy an appliance online without having to go to the store, knowing its features well.

The topic What to Consider When Buying Household Goods was first published on mobeltrend.com.


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