What does sustainable decoration involve?

Sustainable interior design aims to reduce the use of materials, energy and water in the home and to conserve natural resources. To achieve these goals, sustainable interior design suggestions include energy-efficient lighting and heating systems, water-saving shower and sink accessories, furniture made with recycled materials and using ecological paints and cleaning products. Additionally, features such as natural lighting, green roofs and interiors decorated with plants are also part of sustainable interior design.

Sustainable decoration
What is sustainable decoration?

Sustainable interior decoration is about being more careful with the use we make of everything we have in our home, making sure that it is useful to us and fulfills its function of helping us live better. As you can see, this has little to do with the decorative style of your home. It is about adopting a lifestyle that has a positive impact on the environment and the people around you, and carrying this commitment into the way you furnish, equip and dress your home.

A matter of perspective

Living a sustainable lifestyle is a long-term goal, so it’s important not to overwhelm yourself by trying to do all the recommended actions to make your home eco-friendly at once. The important thing is to commit to making small sustainable changes over time, one at a time. For example, if installing solar panels isn’t possible because of your budget or because you’re renting, look for another way to save energy that’s within your reach.

Recommendation: Good Topic: Healthy Furniture Models

What is the easiest thing I can do today and will I be able to maintain this routine over time? If yes, then go for it! Remember: the most important thing is to find a balance between the sustainable living ideal you are after and the demands of your current daily life.

Sustainable furniture designs
Sustainable goods designs

Make the most of home architecture

What is your home like? Look at the location, orientation, and distribution of rooms. Obviously, these are things you can't change, but you can change the use you give to each room based on these features.

Where in the house gets the most sunlight? Place your desk there. Are there drafts in some areas? Place a clothesline and dry your clothes without a dryer. Do you meditate? If you do this in semi-darkness, you can place that corner in a more interior area of ​​the house. Ask yourself questions and redistribute rooms if necessary to make better use of the resources you have.

Wooden Table
Ecological materials that are less harmful to nature, easy to recycle and produced with less energy.

Sustainable furniture and equipment

There is a wide range of products on the market to furnish, equip and decorate your home with products made from natural raw materials or produced using environmentally friendly processes. Untreated wood, cork, bamboo or linoleum are great options.

Before buying something, ask yourself if you really need it and find out: what are its features, what materials it is made of, where and how it was manufactured, what will happen to it when it reaches the end of its life and I dispose of it? Buy responsibly and invest in things that you will use intensively for the longest period of time. Remember that both what we buy and what we throw away have an impact on our ecological footprint.

A More Sustainable Decoration
What can be done for a more sustainable decoration?

Avoid artificial fabrics

Naturalness has arrived! It will be very, very easy to find all kinds of textiles and decorative objects made of natural fibers on the market: wool carpets, linen curtains, armchairs, wicker, jute or rattan baskets… The list is very wide and full of objects that are beautiful, functional and ecological, as well as emphasizing respect for tradition and craftsmanship. Moreover, decorating with objects made of natural fibers will help you create a calm, comfortable and warm atmosphere that makes you feel good.

Eco-Friendly Decoration
Eco-Friendly Decoration Examples

Be sure to look for the option that does the least harm to the environment.

As with personal hygiene, you can find a wide range of non-toxic detergents for home cleaning. Try them! Cleaning is just as effective, but it reduces the impact of maintaining our homes on the planet. Plus, your home will be much healthier and free of allergens.

Ecological Home Decoration
Ecological Home Decoration Ideas

Reuse, recycle, recover, restore and donate.

There is nothing more sustainable than not replicating or throwing away what we already have. When everything we buy is packaged or wrapped in plastic, not only are we creating a negative impact on the environment, but there is still a lesson to be learned in ensuring that our waste is eliminated from the planet.

A Suggestion: Earthy colors and very natural tones

So always try to reuse what you have or, if that’s not possible, give it away or sell it to someone who can reuse it. Likewise, look for what you need on the second-hand market: there are some great things in perfect condition that you can use! What’s more, bringing a piece of vintage furniture into your home is always a lesson in style!

When decorating your home, we recommend that you choose as few and concise pieces as possible.
When decorating your home, we recommend that you choose as few and concise pieces as possible.

One additional note: Choose to trade local.

Remember that sustainability is not an individual thing, but a collective goal that concerns us all. Buy locally: not only will you be giving life to your area and helping small businesses, you will also be preventing the waste caused by shipping thousands of products from online sales.


Meet our Editor Ocean In our blog, Ocean shares the most innovative ideas in the field of decoration. With years of experience, Ocean combines aesthetics and functionality to present you with the latest trends and timeless designs. Discover how you can transform your spaces with creative inspiration and practical solutions. Thank you for visiting us and sharing our passion for design!

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