Wabi Sabi: A Timeless Aesthetic

Wabi Sabi is a timeless aesthetic. It emphasizes the beauty of imperfections, scratches and time in works. Natural materials, minimalist designs and simplicity are at the forefront.

Accepting impermanence and change, it values ​​the aging, wear and tear of objects as a form of beauty. Wabi Sabi respects the cycle of nature and impermanence. With this understanding of aesthetics, calmness, inner peace and a deep sense of connection are created in homes.

The philosophy of the Japanese is completely profound and attractive, which continues to make its mark with great popularity.

One of these is Wabi sabi, a philosophy or style that emphasizes the beauty of imperfection.

In this article we will talk about this attractive style and explain some ideas for decorating your own home in Japanese style.

First, what is the Wabi Sabi style?

To fully understand what the wabi sabi style is all about You must understand first What is Wabi? ve What is Sabi?

Let's start with the word Sabi!!

Said: It can mean various things, such as silence, sadness, old and faded.

In this case, the word sabi appreciates external things as having virtue or beauty, regardless of changes, flaws, imperfections or wear and tear.

Wabi: It is more about the inner richness and emotional side, accepting everything as it is, not caring about the changes, flaws and imperfections, enjoying the present moment or as it is.

For the same reason, to better understand the Wabi Sabi style, it is important to first better understand sabi (outer beauty), then Wabi (inner beauty).

Consequently, Wabi sabi refers to the beauty of imperfection, as according to Buddhism, perfection means death and once something completes itself there is no growth or development.

Because we are imperfect, we work to make it perfect and we will continue to improve. For the same reason, Wabi sabi is imperfect. DIY interior decorating tips

Key features of Wabi Sabi in interior decoration

1: Colors from nature

Earthy and natural colors are used in the Wabi Sabi style, such as:

  • Black
  • White
  • Brown Tones
  • bey
  • gri
  • Cream
  • Ivory
  • Right
  • green tones
  • Blue Shades

Avoid strong and acidic colors to make the space look calm, comfortable and natural.

2: Less is more theory

Wabi sabi has a certain similarity to minimalism: keeping only the necessary and essential things that are truly useful and make you happy.

To be honest, it has a similar aspect to the Konmari theory, which consists of getting rid of objects that do not make you happy and objects that are not really functional for your daily life.

3: Warm, aged and natural surfaces

One of the biggest differences between the minimalist style and Wabi Sabi is the use of materials that radiate warmth, such as wood, cotton, wicker and linen.

On the other hand, you can also choose glass, marble, ceramic, cement, plant fibers and stone.

4: Simple furniture

The furniture used in Wabi Sabi is completely plain with straight and geometric lines.

You can also choose a piece of furniture made of wood in a rustic style to appreciate the imperfections.

5: Create harmony and maintain order

Imperfect disorder is completely different.

Create an imperfect space that maintains peace through order and simplicity.

Origin and History of Wabi Sabi

We know that the Wabi Sabi style comes from Japanese culture and beauty, but its true origin was in China from 960 to 1279.

Wabi Sabi came to the land of the samurai in the 16th century (1501 to 1600), just as the Japanese tea ceremony, or sadou (茶道), was spreading.

Sen no rikyu (the person who perfected wabi) and Juko Murata, one of the most famous people who influenced the Japanese Tea ceremony.

Before the establishment of Wabicha (侘茶), one of the forms of tea ceremony that kept alive the spirit of unadorned enjoyment, striking and luxuriously hued teacups and pottery were imported from China because it was fashionable.

When Chinese pottery was very popular, Sen no rikyu and Juko Murata told his students, “Don't just focus on the beautiful and eye-catching appearance, focus more on specific and deep parts such as touch and color quality.” »

Since then the disciples started to pay more attention to specific and delicate details than they had ever paid attention to before, since then they understood what Wabi really is and practiced it with more popularity, adapted to the values ​​of the lifestyle of every person at that time.

Later, the teacher Sen no rikyu was ordered to commit seppuku by the shogun Toyotomi Hideyoshi because he feared the rapid rise of power of the sadou (tea ceremony), as the Japanese tea ceremony was strongly linked to the politics of the time.

After the death of Sen no Rikyu, the ceremonial development stopped, but the idea of ​​wabi sabi was established.

A few years later when shogun Ieyasu Tokugawa came to rule the entire country, he established a strong system of social classes such as samurai, farmers, craftsmen and merchants which allowed the tea ceremony to continue to flourish by law, Wabi sabi gradually became established as Japanese values ​​thanks to the teacher Masakazu Kobori.


Wabi sabi is a style that is completely beautiful and profound, despite its imperfections.

What is the beauty of WABI SABI style in decoration 2025? appeared first on Decorau.Com.


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