Violet Color Meaning – Infinity

Violet is one of the feminine colors par excellence, but it can be used by both men and women because it is a very harmonious tone. It is delicate and extremely elegant.

If this is your favorite color, you will love this site, here we will tell you about this color and its meanings.

Violet Color Meaning [Sonsuzluk]

Meaning of Violet Color

executeViolet is the result of mixing red and blue, and since they are considered opposite colors, violet symbolizes uncertainty. There are 40 shades of violet.

In ancient times this color was a favorite and more used by rulers and powerful and because it was extremely difficult to find clothing in this color, they were reserved for the privileged, such as emperors or high-ranking religious figures.

What does the color violet represent?

Many royal characters were represented in dresses or suits of this color to emphasize and emphasize that they were important people with high positions or hierarchies.

It was also considered a symbol of eternity, so it was related to theology and magic.

What does the color violet mean today?

Today, this color represents extravagance and rarity, especially when used in clothing.

Since it is a combination of two opposite colors, its opposite elements also come together; sensual and spiritual, power and humility, love and deprivation, feminine and masculine.

Because it combines the feminine and the masculine, violet is said to be the color of homosexuality and immoral sexuality and is inherently ambiguous; it is also said to be a feminine color and is commonly used as a symbol of feminism. They also associate it with lobsters.

Positive aspects of violet

  • Life.
  • Infinity.
  • To be able to do it.
  • Royal.

Negative aspects

  • Immoral nonsense.
  • Uncertainty.
  • Pride.

What does violet mean in feminism?

What does violet mean in feminism

There's a reason for the purple trend represents women's struggle for equality and this is due to the tragic events involving the United States textile mill in 1908.

The Cotton New Company was dealing with a labor strike due to deplorable working conditions, mistreatment, and poor pay. The owner resolved this in the most violent and dramatic way possible by setting the whole place on fire.

Approximately 129 women who were at the facility to protest for their rights were burned to death.

It is said that the workers at the time of the tragedy were working with purple cloth, and that when it burned in flames the smoke turned purple. Therefore, the color is used as a representation of the feminist struggle and a reminder of the tragedy.

So it could mean violet

  • Gender equality.
  • It represents the struggle of women workers to demand their rights.
  • This means that the feminist movement is still alive.

The meaning of violet color in spirituality

Violet is a liturgical color used in times of spiritual preparation and penance.

Violet is closely related to spirituality and helps us get in touch with the depths of our thoughts.

It serves to assist in the search for spiritual fulfillment by connecting us to the elevation of our consciousness.

The meaning of violet in marketing

In advertising terms, the color violet focuses on the female audience and aims to evoke feelings of romantic love and nostalgia.

It is also used in products or services related to magic, mystery, and science fiction. Violet is used in businesses with creative fields: designers, psychics, and cosmetics manufacturers, among others.

Violet is used when you want to give the idea of ​​a superior quality product or service. If combined with gold, it creates the impression that the product or service to be sold is exclusive and of high quality.

The meaning of the color violet in psychology

If you're one of those who are violet color favorites, you may feel like you identify with this list of personality traits associated with this color.

  • Individualist: Violet is unconventional, individual and very original. People who prefer it do things their own way and never copy themselves from others.
  • Spirituality: Violet aids meditation, prayer, and being in complete harmony with our deepest thoughts.
  • Inspiration: When we need to create original ideas, using violet is the most successful, as it helps us concentrate on creating great brainstorms.
  • Imagination: Violet stimulates creativity, although in many cases it is used to induce sleep.
  • Passionate: Violet, like one of its components (red), stimulates passion.
  • Impractical: They see the world as they wish it to be, not as it really is.
  • Immaturity: This color encourages fantasy.

The meaning of violet in Feng Shui

The psychology of the color violet evokes a certain behavior in people, and feng shui uses it to create an environment where all conditions are favorable and beneficial to people.

Here are some of the ways you can use violet to your advantage, according to feng shui:

  • To get your ideas flowing in a surprising way and to spark your imagination as you write, buy a notebook with a purple cover and a pen or pencil with the same color ink; and you will see the results.
  • If you do yoga, paint the entire wall with this color and You will see how it makes it easier for you implementation of this activity; in addition, you will inspire respect in your guests.
  • Wear purple to stand out at a social event or to highlight your individuality.

This happened!

I hope you enjoyed it, if you have any questions leave them in the comments below and be sure to visit us for more information about the colors of the world.


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