Top 10 Trends in Construction Technology

Building insurance experts have compiled a list of other trends in building and construction technology for 2025 that will become relevant in the near future.Top 10 Trends in Construction Technology 2020

Top 10 Construction Technology Trends for 2025

1. Self-healing concrete

Concrete is a wonderful building material, but over time it loses its properties. With aging and drying, microcracks form in the concrete, weakening it. Sooner or later, concrete with many cracks begins to crumble and collapse. Researchers at Binghamton and Rutgers Universities in the United States have found that incorporating a certain fungus into the concrete structure during the production process can significantly extend the life of concrete structures. The work is still in its early stages, but once it is established, concrete can have self-healing properties.

2. Aerogel insulation

Although gel is traditionally considered a wet substance, aerogel is created by removing all the liquid, leaving only the silicate structure, which contains up to 99% air in its composition. The extraordinary properties of aerogels open up a new range of possibilities for their use in construction. One of the main advantages of the material is its exceptional thermal insulation ability, which reduces the loss of heated or conditioned air in the premises, saving energy and costs. Above all, aerogel is characterized by its ease of use, the possibility of processing and reusable use.

3. Thermochromic roofs

Although the material is nothing new to construction, thermochromic sheets and roofing panels have once again attracted the attention of experts due to the market demand for eco-friendly designs. Scientists from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) have invented a smart roofing material that uses a new approach to manage thermal processes in eco-design. The Thermeleon material is a mixture of layers that make it thermochromic, i.e. changes color from white to black at high temperatures.

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This results in the black tiles on the roof covered with the compound turning white when the sun shines, reflecting up to 80% of the sunlight and thus maintaining a cool temperature in the building. The result? A 20% reduction in the cost of maintaining a comfortable temperature in the building in summer, and this figure is also associated with environmentally friendly methods of supplying electricity.

4. Virtual reality (VR)

Virtual Reality (VR) has finally made its way from the gaming industry to the real world. From the use of 3D systems for selling real estate to 3D modeling in virtual reality used to create architectural projects, the application of this technology has many advantages. In addition to increasing efficiency and reducing costs, it allows builders to stand out from the gray mass and gain a competitive advantage when selling real estate to buyers.

One such virtual reality technology commonly used in construction is Building Information Modeling (BIM). Using this system not only provides a model, but also provides data management capabilities that allow project teams to track all phases of construction, from concept to design documentation and maintenance.

5. Portable technology

While the construction industry has been slower to develop when it comes to implementing technology, it currently benefits greatly from the use of these devices on construction sites. Relatively new devices such as smart vests and helmets could revolutionize the industry, increasing productivity, efficiency, and productivity. For example, a Daqri smart helmet brings together people, data, and cars with a retractable smart display.

6. 3D printing

3D printing, which is in the development phase of the main direction, has been recognized as a technology with great potential. It uses large printers to create individual components that are then used to assemble the structure. More recently, San Francisco-based startup Apis Cor, in collaboration with Russian housing construction company PIC Group, created a house by printing it in less than 24 hours. The building is the only building built using 3D printing technology, a fully formed house.

7. Mason robots

Robots that can lay six times as many bricks per day could soon lead the construction industry. New York-based Construction Robotics has created a robot called SAM (Semi-Automatic Mason) that can stack 3,000 bricks per day—far more than most builders, who lay an average of 500 bricks per day.

The aim of SAM robots is to make work on site more thoughtful, and although the technology can lift bricks, apply mortar and masonry, it must be closely monitored during operation. Workers must adjust the robot's settings, monitor compliance with health and safety standards, provide assistance when laying bricks at an unusual angle, and also clean the device from contamination.

8. Machine learning

The development of machine learning technology is rapidly rethinking the entire concept of how work will be done in the near future. These technologies allow construction companies to provide safer and more efficient working conditions, increase the level of automation and reduce equipment downtime. In order to rationalize and stimulate their activities, construction companies are increasingly turning to solutions and programs based on artificial intelligence. For example, machine learning technologies are driving a new generation of programs in which companies constantly monitor the operation of their heavy equipment in real time. In case of a malfunction or failure of any component, the system warns the operator in advance, increasing production safety on the site.

9. Predictive analytics

Often the difference between a successful company and one on the brink of survival is the ability to manage risk. The introduction of predictive analytics greatly simplifies risk management. The software analyzes data from subcontractors, production material suppliers, project plans, and the facility itself to examine risk factors and identify potential hazards to prevent further problems.

10. Internet of Things

In short, the Internet of Things (or IoT) is a network of physical devices equipped with built-in sensors and network connectivity, allowing these objects to integrate and exchange data. The resulting data is summarized and analyzed for informed decision-making. In construction, the Internet of Things is used in many areas, such as remote operation and monitoring, replenishment of stocks, accounting of construction vehicles, maintenance and repair of equipment. In the future, this could affect the way buildings and infrastructure are built, leading to the creation of more rational and oriented cities. In addition, this approach will improve the environment, affecting the quality of life of everyone.


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