Things to consider when organizing at home

What should be considered when making arrangements at home? What are the 5 rules given below that architects focus on when faced with home renovations?

1. Examine the building's features

All the information that can be collected in addition to the plans, ideas for arranging the house will allow the architect to work on the design proposal. Especially when the renovation is one-story, you should take into account the excessive loads in order not to damage the supporting structures.

In addition, in most cases, a complete renovation means leaving the house open. Therefore, the demolition phase includes a detailed examination of the debris and the safety of the building itself and the workers. Therefore, it is extremely important to seek the support of a reliable renovation company, such as the following home organization tips.

2. Listen and care about the customer's needs

Homeowners almost always have a pretty good idea of ​​what they want to change or renovate. Maybe you want more light, a larger living room, integrating the kitchen into the social center, a private bathroom in one room, a laundry area, a study, plumbing, a fireplace, etc.

3. Provide a clear budget

The client's budget must be known from the outset so that he can decide whether his ideas can be realised.

In many cases, the initial budget increases as unforeseen events occur throughout the work; also, there may be possible changes or the customer may need to do more. Therefore, projects are often not completely closed until things have progressed a bit. The outline of the final project will be determined by architects, surveyors and interior designers.


4. Project description: distribution, insulation, efficiency and materials

This is the most important task for a successful renovation. The project designer knows every corner of the house, what needs to be changed, what needs to be strengthened, what cannot be touched, home improvement tools, what cannot be touched and the right place for new installations.
It will also determine how new partitions will be built, if thermal insulation is required, the types of windows needed depending on the climate, always taking into account the decided budget.

Distribution: this is the most important part of any comprehensive reform. It is the opportunity to improve distribution and achieve the true potential of the house. The challenge here is how to organize a small house: to get more natural light with the same square meters, more efficient storage, more fluidity between areas, more space, etc.

Insulation and efficiency: together with the architect, the client should decide whether he wants to increase the insulation and thermal efficiency of the house, whether he wants to include the possibility of using renewable energies, sustainability criteria in the choice of materials and systems, practical information for the rationalization of home decoration and optimization of construction and technical systems.

These decisions have an impact not only on the budget or final distribution, but also on the quality of life, energy consumption and maintenance of the home.

Materials: architects can provide information on the possibilities available in each case. For example, there is the option to make the work more agile by using materials that do not require wet mixing.

This can be achieved by dividing the home between a galvanized steel structure formed by uprights and crosspieces and laminated plasterboard partitions. Or, quickly achieve the rest of the walls using direct or semi-direct cladding in the same material, which allows the unification of the facilities and thermal insulation, without having to dig practical information for designing a home.


Meet our Editor Ocean In our blog, Ocean shares the most innovative ideas in the field of decoration. With years of experience, Ocean combines aesthetics and functionality to present you with the latest trends and timeless designs. Discover how you can transform your spaces with creative inspiration and practical solutions. Thank you for visiting us and sharing our passion for design!

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