Practical bedding ideas for your pet

If you love your puppy or cat, there's nothing better than showing them all the love by taking them on a new walk. It's simple!

You can reuse some items stored in your home that are no longer useful to make beds for your pets.

Practical bedding ideas for your pet
If you don't have anything to reuse, you can find something at your grandma's house or even a simple visit from the neighbors. They may have something useful for you!

If you don't have any ideals, don't worry. You can find some inspiration here.

You will see that it is possible to make a bed or (good, beautiful and cheap) with just a few materials. In the end, the joy of your pet is guaranteed! 🙂

Make a tent for your pet

If you have a cat, you can create a bed frame with an old shirt, two hangers, a piece of cardboard, a pillow, some pins and electrical tape. Remove the hangers, cut the hooks, cross the two wires in the middle and place each end of the wire in one corner of the square cardboard. After attaching it with the pins and electrical tape, put on the t-shirt and make the collar the kitten's entrance.

animal beds

Evaluating old monitor

However, if you have those old monitors or retro TVs, you can turn them into great little homes for your kitten. You will need to open the devices, remove the windshields and filters from the inside. After emptying, you can spray the inside and outside with a spray of the color you want, wait for it to dry and put in the pillow it likes. In addition to being comfortable for the pet, it will also be a decorative piece for your home.

animal beds

Making a nest from a paint can

Another great option for a bedroom for your cat is to use an empty paint can. To create this little house, you will need to sterilize the can and remove any remaining paint. After cleaning and drying, apply white paint first. If you want to paint it in another color that matches the decor, wait for the white paint to dry and apply it on top. You can also cover the outside of the house with cheetah, which will give it a special charm.

animal beds

Making a bed from a nightstand

There are incredible options for medium or large dogs. The most interesting one is to repurpose a nightstand. You can remove the drawers, customize it as you wish, add a comfortable pillow and you're done. Your puppy can sleep next to you in a special way.
Another way to enjoy a nightstand or even a retro table is to turn them upside down. Depending on the style of the maid's foot, it looks like a king/queen bed. No nightstand? No problem. That old wardrobe drawer will be perfect for housing your “dog”.

animal beds

Making a portable nest with crafts

Made-to-measure pallets and crates offer a variety of creative options for both decorating your home and providing comfort for your pet. They are already elegant with just a hand polish.
Another option for wooden items is to use a wicker basket that is attractive. You can simply add a cushion with waterproof fabric inside. If the basket has a spring, turn it into a small house. The idea is to cover it with a wool blouse that you no longer wear. A perfect option for floors and cold days.

animal beds animal beds

Recycle old tires

The last tip is to reuse tires. In addition to providing an extremely comfortable bed for your pet, you will also be helping the environment. You can clean and paint your tire in any color you like. Place a pillow inside or on top of the tire if you prefer. For a style change, you can cut a piece off to create a sort of entrance for your puppy.

animal beds

These are ideas that will inspire you to create simple and inexpensive beds or houses for your pets. All the ideas can be applied to cats or dogs, depending on the size of the animal and the material you have. Of course, this will be a way to show your love and gratitude to your partner.

Have you tried some beds for your pet or have another creative idea?

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