Learn what pandemic fatigue is and how to combat it

Pandemic fatigue

We just started hearing the term pandemic fatigue and many of us have wondered what exactly they mean, although it is easy to get an idea. The idea has previously been defined by the WHO as “a gradual decline in motivation to follow recommended protective behaviours that emerges gradually over time and is influenced by a range of emotions, experiences and perceptions, as well as the social, cultural and structural context”.

Beyond this definition, we are faced with a sad reality, and that is that pandemic fatigue is already affecting many people. In addition, there are other problems. makes things like anxiety, sadness, or depression worseMany people are suffering from this situation over time, and that's why we need to do our part to avoid falling into this pandemic fatigue.

What is pandemic fatigue?

This pandemic fatigue, as defined by the WHO, The loss of motivation and general fatigue we have with this situation. Therefore, we are no longer interested in strictly adhering to the health instructions of the authorities, especially if we see inconsistencies or disagree with some of them. It is a very difficult situation in which we all have to do our part, but because it lasts so long, it causes us to lose motivation above all. This can be combined with other emotions such as depression due to the inability to live a normal life or financial problems, anxiety or sadness. Those who normally have such problems see this pandemic increase them even more.

Filter Covid information

Fatigue during the pandemic

Not talking about the pandemic or anything else It affects us too. There doesn't seem to be any other topic of conversation lately, and even that is monotonous and boring because the numbers are still not as good as we thought they would be at this point. So we have to find a balance between being informed and being fed about the pandemic, because too much information also leads to this loss of motivation.

Look for hobbies that you can do


Even in times of pandemic, many of us have discovered new hobbies or returned to some that seemed forgotten in the previous busy and globalized world. Look for such things you can do at homeyou enjoy your time and do not require social interaction and you will find a space to feel better about this situation. It may be repainting the furniture at home, exercising at home, reading books and more books or watching all kinds of movies. There are many things we can do from home and we can rediscover them.

Enjoy personal relationships

Now more than ever, we understand how harsh social isolation can be. That's why you need to do it now more than ever Enjoy the moments when you talk or meet your loved oneseven if it is certain. It is important to remember that we all have acquaintances living with elderly or at-risk people and therefore we must be careful. We should always consider that there is no excuse for putting someone in danger, even if we are not motivated by the situation.

Lead a regular life

Tidy house

If we are organized, we often feel like everything is more under control and everything is better. Living in a clean and tidy home helps, but it also sets the hours. Imagine having to keep an order to receive some, even if you are not working at the moment. good hours of activity and restHaving this regularity always helps us to be more motivated.

Learn what pandemic fatigue is and how to combat it
The topic was first published on mobeltrend.com.


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