Indoor plants that purify the air

Ornamental indoor plants make your home a special place thanks to their green power that relaxes and balances the mind. Which ones are the most beautiful and special?

Indoor plants that purify the air

We can't give up, plants decorate the environment in a unique way with their colors and the presence of nature they bring to our homes.

This is true even if we do not have much time to take care of them, because some interesting plants need very little water.

There are tons of plants that are suitable for growing and thriving indoors. What are the basic rules to follow?

First of all, choose a location carefully. The vast majority need a lot of light, but they do not like direct exposure to sunlight.

Plants also don't like to change position. So once you've chosen where to place the plant, it's good to make sure that position stays more or less firm.

Succulents or tropical plants do not like cold, so it is best not to place them on the balcony during the winter season.

When we are not familiar with plants and ignore their reality, the most frequent concern we face is not giving them enough water. In reality, this leads us to make the most common mistake, which is to give them too much. Thus, we see our plant turn yellow and wither under our eyes.

Therefore, pay attention to what the right amount of water is for each type of plant.

What are the most beautiful indoor plants and at the same time do not require special care?

Flowering indoor plants

In spring it is nice to be surrounded by flowers and colors. There are many types of flowering plants: verbena, cyclamen, roses, solanum


flowering indoor plants

Begonia is not only a garden plant, on the contrary, tuberous species prefer to be planted in pots inside the house. The flowers are of many shades, but all pink. It loves light and does not require much water.

The best quality of begonia? Its flowers last a long time, even in winter.


flowering indoor plants

Also called parlor pineapple because of its recognizable large orange, red or yellow flower. It does not like direct light and requires a lot of water.


flowering indoor plants

It is a very delicate plant, both in foliage and white flowers. It does not need much light and prefers humid environments, so much so that it can also be placed in the bathroom.

Plants that purify the air in the house and absorb moisture

All plants have beneficial properties in the home, as they purify the air and rebalance our mood and energy. However, some species are better at purifying the air, absorbing moisture and reducing pollution than others.

Chlorophytum comosum

It is an evergreen plant with long, thin leaves of a beautiful deep green with a yellowish streak in it. It is unrivaled in removing pollutants from the air.

Crassula ovata

air purifying houseplant

Also called as Jade treeIt is characterized by rounded and fleshy leaves and blooms with small star-shaped flowers in white or pink.


There are different types that differ in leaves. It loves warmth, in winter it is excellent in well-heated apartments.

Sickle-shaped prickly pear

Like all prickly pears, it has large, spiny, fleshy leaves and small red or yellow flowers.

Low maintenance houseplants

You love surrounding yourself with plants but you're away from home all day. How do you take care of that?

The solution is to stick to easy-care green plants like succulents. More delicate varieties and flowers are not for you.

Don't worry, there are some really beautiful plants that require little water. Let's see some of them.

Aloe Vera

easy to keep houseplants

It has several beneficial properties and also requires very little maintenance. It needs very little water and likes sun but not direct.

Lucky Bamboo

Despite its name, it is not bamboo, but a plant belonging to the Agavaceae family. Its name comes from the belief that it brings happiness and prosperity, and is actually given to those who open restaurants, shops and hotels. Watering it once a week is sufficient. It should be placed in a bright environment, not in direct sunlight.


A small palm that can be grown in pots. It needs so little water that it can practically be left alone.

Delicious Monstera

easy to keep plants

If you like the tropical style, this broadleaf plant is for you. It is a long-lived plant that can live up to 30 years. It can absorb up to 80% of harmful substances in its environment.


house plants that require little water

It is a plant with long, glossy leaves and two distinct white stripes. It loves heat and light (not direct), so it is perfect for being inside in summer and winter.

Plants for a low-light home

The problem with going out in the morning and coming back at night is that the house remains dark all day. And the poor plants?

There are plants that are suitable for growing even in low light environments, being able to withstand several hours of darkness and being placed in the shade. They usually have very dark green leaves because they contain a high amount of chlorophyll, which allows them to fix a large amount of light.

plants to keep at home

Plants that should not be kept indoors

All plants are beautiful and seem harmless to us, but the truth is that some can be poisonous to the body or cause skin and eye irritation. So, if you have pets or small children at home, be careful about which plants you choose.

Here are some plants you should not keep at home.


It is poisonous if swallowed.


The leaves release a white substance that causes eye irritation and can cause choking if swallowed.


Beautiful with its lush, brightly colored flower, hydrangea is very dangerous if ingested as it causes poisoning with cyanide-like symptoms.


It causes irritation when it comes into contact with the skin, so much so that garden gloves should be used when planting, transferring or pruning. Unfortunately, if it is swallowed, it increases the heart rate, causing nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and respiratory problems.

Which of the following ornamental plants did you decide to buy for your home? Share a photo of your results with us in the comments.


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