How to organize house cleaning

Organizing your home cleaning is the secret to keeping your apartment tidy so that it is always welcoming. Without feeling overwhelmed by housework. Does it seem impossible to you? Read on and learn how to do it.

How to organize house cleaning

People who report that they can do housework effortlessly aren’t aliens or have superpowers. They’ve simply found a method that allows them to clean for a long time without getting too tired.

Want to know how they did it?

The keywords are:

  • Organization: When you have a schedule that organizes specific tasks, everything is much simpler, especially since things are done daily and don't pile up.
  • HabitA gesture done every day becomes a habit and ceases to be a burden.

organize housework

Where to start cleaning the house

Let's start by getting the method to clean the house effortlessly.

There are cleanings that need to be done every day. These are the ones that allow you to always have a tidy house, so much so that you can welcome unexpected guests without embarrassment.

Others should be done weekly, still others several times a year.

Having a method means creating a daily routine that allows you to find space for all activities. Routines only take a few minutes, because cleaning is often much easier and faster than doing it only when the situation becomes critical.

We close this proposition with a very important note: Organizing your home has nothing to do with having a perfectly organized and polished home..

Perfection is often very close to an obsession, and that's really hard to achieve, especially when you have a full-time job.

The order and cleanliness that we are talking about in this article are what make us feel welcome in our home, as if it were our haven, despite its imperfections. It is what keeps us from feeling disorganized and chaotic when we enter the house and look around, overwhelmed by the things to do there.

home organization

How to plan home organization while working

Home organization is definitely less complicated when you don’t have a job that requires you to leave early in the morning and return late at night. Still, you can still find an effective way to organize your home cleaning even while you’re working.

Here is a system that we have personally tested that may be useful to you:

  • Create a weekly cleaning planner to do your choresalso includes cleaning, which should be done less frequently if necessary. Every day is his/her job. Obviously this planner is a guide and should not be followed too rigidly. It is a good idea to maintain a certain amount of flexibility, as needs can change throughout the week.
  • establishing a daily routine Take about half an hour a day for daily cleaning. For example, you could spend 10 minutes in the morning making the beds, putting away the laundry the night before and running the bathroom; another 15 minutes when you get home to vacuum and finally do the dishes and laundry after dinner.
  • set timer in order not to get carried away by the frenzy for perfection and not to spend more time on cleaning than we have (and what is necessary).

With this method What we get is a routine that allows us to have a tidy and clean home without exerting effort beyond our strength. or at our available time.

house cleaning organization

Organize a weekly house cleaning

In the weekly cleaning table we must take into account two types of activities: those that must be done daily and those that must be done once, which are usually the most laborious.

Our advice is to focus only on the first days during workdays, and on weekends or days off, when we are less in a hurry, we can focus on the less frequent ones.

When you’re working, the time to dedicate to cleaning your home is undeniably short. The tendency is to put it off and put it off until the weekend, only to find ourselves on the brink of disaster and exhausted trying to clean everything and then start over on Monday. The result is a tidy, clean home just two days a week.

In reality, there is a very simple and easy method to keep a house tidy even during the week: Take a few minutes to cleanse in the morning and evening, but consistently every day.

A typical day might look like this: ten minutes to recover before going out, and then another ten minutes when you get home, and then a calm finish with the last activities after dinner.

But on days off we can devote more time to cleaning, but without overdoing it and without going into marathons, otherwise you risk ruining your day.

At first it may seem difficult, but after a few days you will gain rhythms and you will see that keeping the house in order will be much easier and much less tiring. An action repeated every day becomes routine and will be performed with less weight, especially if we dedicate little time at a time.

House cleaning table

A weekly schedule can help you divide your house cleaning tasks evenly from day to day.

Here you will find a copy of a house cleaning table that you can sample.

The activities to be included in the program are of three types:

  • Daily activities. There are tasks that need to be done every day, such as making the bed, sweeping in the kitchen, clearing the table, and doing the laundry.
  • Weekly activities. Other cleaning can be done once a week or once every two or three days. Sweeping and mopping the bathroom, dusting, cleaning.
  • Occasional activities. This category includes cleaning that should be done every two or three months, such as washing the washing machine, cleaning the refrigerator, cutlery drawer, blinds, sofas.
  • Six months of activities. Things that should be done twice a year, such as washing the curtains, cleaning the closets and drawers, turning the bed, and washing the pillows and duvets.

house cleaning table

Would you like to share your weekly cleaning schedule with us? Post it in the comments.

How to organize house cleaning
The topic was first published on


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