How to Decorate a Kids Room?

New educational trends direct the education of the youngest children towards a series of experiences: experimentation, manipulation or playful activity, questioning through play. These aspects undoubtedly indicate a clear orientation on how to decorate a nursery area.

How to Decorate a Kids Room
How to Decorate a Kids Room

Appearance is important.

According to Sophocles, as with most Greek philosophers:

The human being is an amazing, special being; a being who can feel and be affected by an infinite number of stimuli.

If we transfer this vision to the subject that concerns us, we can see that a beautiful decoration or an eye-catching view has an effect on people and even on our children, the youngest ones. a range of feelings and emotions We can say that it can wake you up.

Going back to childhood

If we could suddenly become children again, we would certainly love to find ourselves in a space full of possibilities, with an infinite number of materials and experiences to immerse ourselves in, in an environment where the wonderful process of learning takes place in a fun way and almost without us realizing it.

Recommended: Safe Toy Collection for Kids

To decorate a space with these characteristics, there are several important factors that we cannot skip, since it is vital to know the cognitive and socio-emotional possibilities and limitations of children and their evolutionary development.

Where to start decorating a child's room?

A good place to start when it comes to decorating the nursery of our dreams would be to consider all of the factors above and also set some goals, some objectives of what we want to achieve.

To do this, we can formulate a series of questions such as: What do we want to encourage? What do we want children to play with? How do we distribute the space to maximize its optimization? How can we deliver the maximum experience? Etc.

Just like our little ones, the children's room should be a living space, full of energy and vitality.

A place that is changing, flexible, and open to the needs and demands of its real participants.

We can achieve this through the different and well-known “corners”, delimited spaces where children are the main protagonists of their learning, responding to the different interests and rhythms of each student.

Some of the most well-known corners that can be found in a 21st century kindergarten today include:

  • Shop corner: The corner where children sometimes take on the role of shop owner and sometimes customer.
  • In the kitchen corner, they practice situations that can be encountered in real life, regardless of gender.
  • Workshop corner where they can play piece games and construction games
  • The city corner is full of materials to learn how our municipalities work.
  • Emotions corner where children learn to understand and express their emotions and moods
  • Costume corner
  • Professions corner
  • Arts and crafts corner

As mentioned above, “a living nursery“We must achieve this, so we must continue to change the corners with the aim of stimulating all the possibilities of children and all possible forms of expression (verbal, logical-mathematical, gestural-bodily, rhythmic-musical and plastic).

Differentiating areas

It is important to emphasize that it is appropriate to mark two different areas where children can distinguish between the action area and the rest or relaxation area. The second is the possible “rest house” can be differentiated with an area where it is located.

In addition to this separation of space between the corner area and the resting area, there is a “playground” would also be appropriate.

When talking about education and decoration, we cannot skip the area dedicated to ICT, Information and Communication Technologies. New technologies are on the rise, both in our daily lives and in our educational and working lives. Good management of this resource from an early age can ensure that these technologies are used responsibly in the future; for this, this area can be equipped with an easy-to-use computer, full of interactive and educational games that target endless possibilities, such as learning animal sounds, different colors, numbers, image assimilation, etc.

Materials for nursery decorations?

We cannot close this article without mentioning the different materials that we find on the market today, their variety, themes and prices are very diverse, it is good to compare them, but we must always be aware that they comply with the regulations established to ensure the safety of the materials and the integrity of the users.

Furniture, accessories, toys and supplies should always be suitable for each age group.

Boy playing lego
Boy playing lego

In short

In order for children to learn in fun, flexible and comfortable spaces, we must provide them with a suitable environment where they feel comfortable and can interact with both different rooms and classmates.

In addition to all this, if we manage to ensure that learning is meaningful through play and that children can communicate and express themselves, largely thanks to the environment and the opportunities it offers them, we can be sure that success is guaranteed.

Avoiding routine, using originality, identifying the needs of users and families, and constantly being informed about new resources and materials will help in a flexible and functional decoration.

When it comes to making the first decision to decorate the original spaces, perhaps the best option would be to go back in time, feel like children again and ask ourselves…

What would our dream kids' room look like?


Meet our Editor Ocean In our blog, Ocean shares the most innovative ideas in the field of decoration. With years of experience, Ocean combines aesthetics and functionality to present you with the latest trends and timeless designs. Discover how you can transform your spaces with creative inspiration and practical solutions. Thank you for visiting us and sharing our passion for design!

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