Grey Color Meaning – Neutrality

If there is one color that is referred to in a very derogatory way that would be gray, you have surely heard the expressions “a very gray person” or “what a gray day” and it is usually related to monotony, depression or even a lack of hope or life.

But this particular color not limited to negative thingsits meaning and representation is much deeper than you might believe.

I will explain it to you below meaning of grey colorwhat it represents and how it is present in today's daily affairs.

What does the color grey mean?

What does the color grey mean?

Gray means neutralitynormality and even monotony. It is associated with sadness or depression as it is the color that the sky adopts when it is going to rain, whereas it is considered a boring color or impersonal.

It is given because it is the tone between black and white, a neutral meaning.

The reason why this color has so many negative representations is because it is found in areas, objects and even situations that we consider to be negative or bad in some way.

For example, the stones that are useless and get in your way, the color of gray hair, the body's sign of aging and expiration, the dust you raise while cleaning, and even the ashes left by the fire after it burns out.

However, not everything is negative with this color as it means “normality”, offers peace It is only found in common and known ones. It can provide more style when combined with its peers such as black and white in fashion.

Its meaning may be a bit sad compared to other colors that represent happiness and movement, but what gray represents can be quite different. interesting and symbolic alive.

What does the color grey represent?

In addition to its meaning, the representations of gray extends to many courts. Grey represents and symbolizes mourning; the sadness, pain, loneliness and normalcy that can exist in the flow of our lives.

However, it can also represent a different perspectivea vision that is not limited to being black or white, subject to interpretation, there is no absolute truth, you only understand what you understand about reality.

Grey as a representation of our lives, represents normality This can lead to a change and depending on how you feel the color can be sadness or it can also be the peace of the common one.

Now, like other colors, gray also has a psychological meaning and emotional, which can describe a person or person's behavior. Do you know what it is? I'll explain later.

Gray color psychology

Generally when we refer to someone as “grey” we do so in a derogatory way, meaning that they are a mediocre person, without life, without hope or emotion, but in the branch of psychology this is the exact opposite of the interpretation.

The meaning of the color gray in psychology is: humility, peace and the beauty of humilityIn addition to fashion, one of its shades, silver, is widely used for the most luxurious jewelry.

In contrast, neither happy nor sad can be associated with ambivalence and neutrality.

In psychology, a person with a gray personality, reluctant to changebut does not accept an absolute truth and has a deep understanding of the circumstances and the maturity to accept it.

This color may be easily associated with wisdomit is rare and not everyone has it, which is why you hear very few people who like gray.

It is rarely used by people because it is associated with many negative energies such as sadness, mediocrity, etc. However, there is one profession that uses it to attract potential customers and that is advertising.

The psychology of grey in advertising

Really really nadir There is a company that sells products that use a color as muted as gray.

However, it can also be used in other ways as follows. to convey a messageat some point you must have seen the color gray as the background of some emotional words or used for a tragic scene in a soap opera or commercial.

Although gray is not the most conducive color to encourage the purchase of a product or service, has great emotional power and can help you give more emotion to the message you want to convey.

It can be ideal if you want to capture an emotional scene for a cartoon, or a charity campaign that tries to move hearts, or if you want to highlight another color in the background. creativity required To find a use for this particular tone.

Curiosities of the color gray in human life

You may not have noticed but There is gray in places where you least imagined, created the emotional impact or drew a masterful background.

Then I'll tell you some curiosities from the grey color you definitely don't know:

  • In the mid-nineteenth century, there was a group of seamstresses in Paris called “grisettes.” They were women who lived in absolute poverty and had to make their own clothes from the cheapest fabrics and in the most suitable colors. dirt will not be noticedwhich was gray.
  • Giotto, a historically well-known painter, used a painting technique called “Grisaille”, which used gray tones to create stone effects. His paintings are called “seven vices”: stupidity, despair, disbelief, injustice, envy, anger and inconsistency. He said that this is the view grey was a perfect match with all the evil.
  • The first grey power symbol was a man named François le Clerc du Tremblay. capuchin monk dressed in greyHe became so important that he was believed to be ruling France from the dark.
  • Gray is so associated with misfortune In Goethe's tragedy“Four grey ladies”, these ladies visit an old man named Fausto who does not want to die to take him to the afterlife. These are: guilt, need, anxiety and imperfection, which are the characteristics associated with color.
  • I'm sure you'll understand. in cinderella The heroine wore a grey scarf and skirt, representing how sad and monotonous her life was until she met the prince.
  • Names Griseldis, like Griselda and their associates, are associated with the color gray and have meanings of modesty and humility.

Did you like these curiosities? It may surprise you, but grey is a very common colour and objects are found in all classes, whether man-made or found in nature.

Grey colored objects or things you can find in life

The color gray is not only present on an emotional level, but you can find it in many situations. objects common lifeyou may not have noticed because they may not be noticeable in the tone of voice.

But right here I'm showing you the gray colored objects, and I'm also going to classify them into three tones that are more common in your daily life.

Below I show you common objects you find in gray:

Light grey color

The light grey tone can be found in the cement, which is the main building element, in other places grey is still used in prisoners' clothing or, most commonly, the sky before it rains.

There are some pictures They have grey color You probably didn't realize it existed.

Charcoal grey color

Charcoal grey is a tone that has more undertones of black and is often very common among luxury evening fashion designs as it looks extremely elegant and informal at the same time.

I'm leaving here pictures of objects that I'm sure you'll love, which have this common shade of gray.

Remember this Every person has their own point of view and although I'm speaking to you in a general way here, you certainly have your own interpretation of color and it may differ from what I've described.

If you want to learn more meanings about the colors you find in your daily life, don't forget to visit us.


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