Furniture for a teenager

Furniture for a teenager
Furniture for a teenager

How should be the furniture decoration for a teenager? Children grow up very quickly and years pass like an instant. It seems that the child was born only yesterday, and you, with love and care, furnished the children's room for him: pasted wallpaper with interesting animals, bought soft toys, bought children's furniture for the arrangement of the room.

So your baby has grown up before our eyes, has become a teenager. He has already outgrown the usual decor of a children's room – it's time to think about arranging a room for a teenager. Adolescence is a serious stage in your child's life, he learns to make decisions and express his own opinion. Therefore, when arranging a room for a girl or a boy, take into account his interests, tastes and preferences.

Requirements for youth room furniture

There are certain features that are typical for purchasing furniture for teenagers:

  1. Functionality and ergonomics – a large number of textbooks, books, notebooks, teaching aids and other school supplies should fit easily.
  2. In the production of furniture for young people, environmentally friendly materials that do not cause allergic reactions and do not contain harmful and life-threatening substances should be used.
  3. Stylish and fashionable design – at this age, children develop a sense of taste and style, so it is necessary to preserve and develop this quality in every possible way. If fashionable or modern elements are used in the room, the teenager will be happy and proud to show them to his friends.
  4. Saving space – a teenager’s room should not be cluttered with furniture. There should be enough space for games and gatherings with friends.
  5. Spaciousness is especially characteristic of girls' wardrobes, because a young lady has a lot of clothes that need to be placed somewhere.

Work area

A teenager spends more time studying and practicing, so it is necessary to carefully equip his workplace.

Ideally, a teenager's study area should be equipped with the following types of furniture:

  1. A desk where the child will do homework, read books, and prepare for additional activities.
  2. A computer desk where a teenager will work on a computer or laptop.
  3. Chairs for writing and computer desks.
  4. Various devices for storing school supplies and things necessary for classes: shelves, drawers, lockers.

It is good if the children's room is quite spacious, and for a teenager two desks can easily fit in. Most often, the space of the room is limited, and the writing and computer desk are combined into one work element.

  1. When choosing a desk for a teenager's room, remember that it should be convenient and comfortable for your child to work at:The width and length of the table top should accommodate all necessary school supplies. There should be room for a computer monitor or laptop, which should be positioned without compromising the work area on the table. The optimal parameters: 60 cm wide, 1.2 meters long.
  2. The height of the table should be comfortable and convenient for the teenager. The child's back should not be constantly tense, otherwise it will quickly get tired and health problems may occur in the future. The best option is when the child's hands lie freely on the table, and the shoulders are not too high or too low.

A teenager's desktop should have a stylish and modern design. An interesting option are desks for teenagers with adjustable height. It can be a godsend for you and your child. As your child grows, you will save money on buying different desks. It will be convenient and comfortable for a teenager to sit behind, it is enough to adjust the height as soon as the girl or boy grows up a little.

A teenager's desk can be placed in the corner, next to the window. Make the most of your space. Corner table models are distinguished by increased ergonomics and spaciousness. In addition, next to the teenager's workplace there will always be a source of natural light.

Take a closer look at the L-shaped desk. A teen can use one section of this desk for homework and place a laptop on the other.

When buying a desk for a teenager, don't forget to buy a chair. Deciding on a chair is not as difficult as the desk:

  1. Choose models that can increase in height.
  2. The seat should have an ergonomic backrest that will support the child's correct posture during exercise.
  3. It is better not to purchase models with armrests, since leaning on them for a long time can disrupt the child's posture, and this will negatively affect his health.

Sleeping area

Sleep, as at an early age, plays an important role in the restoration of vital functions of the child. In order for him to sleep peacefully, the sleeping place must be comfortable and convenient for rest. A child in adolescence is already catching up with an adult in all respects, so a bedroom set should take this into account.

There are many types of sleeping furniture for teenagers: a classic bed, an ergonomic sofa or couch, transformer sleeping places.

If the children's room space is limited, you can purchase a bed with a desk, this model is also called a loft bed. Upstairs there is a sleeping place with a bed, downstairs there is a working area with a desk and additional elements in the form of drawers and shelves.

This desk bed will save you valuable space, but remember that the desk will be far from natural light sources. Make sure to provide your work area with artificial lighting, such as a desk lamp or built-in lighting.

Storage area

Make sure that your child has a spacious closet for clothes and shoes. You can equip the children's room with various shelves or racks where all the necessary things will be placed. When everything has its place, it teaches the child to order.

Children's room space should not be overly cluttered with furniture. The child can invite friends to the room who will have to settle somewhere. The child should have enough space not only for moving around the room, but also for active games. After all, despite the ostentatious adulthood, teenagers still remain children.


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