Flowering plants to decorate your home in spring

With the arrival of spring, filling the house with flowering plants is a perfect way to add color and joy to the environment. Having plants is a way to enrich the decoration with a touch of nature. fill your home with positive energy.

Flowering plants: violet

Source: pinterest

It is one of the flowering plants easier to maintain indoors. Must be located in a room. lots of natural light and protected from drafts. Regarding watering, you should only water the plant when the soil is dry, as too much water can be harmful. Therefore, you should water it two or three times a week in summer and every seven or ten days during the rest of the year.

To prevent the emergence of diseases and pests, remove dry leaves and faded flowers. Remove dust with a brush, do not use water or other liquids. In order for them to produce flowers and grow healthy, they need to be fertilized from early spring to late summer. Every two years in the spring transplant to a larger pot (2 or 3 cm). Decorating your home with flowers and plants is a wonderful way to bring life and joy to both indoor and outdoor spaces.


Source: pinterest

Hydrangea is a plant originating from Asia with fl.The gems are very colorful and have a pleasant aroma. They are one of the flowering plants that thrive in spring and will only remain magnificent during this time. They do best outdoors, but with proper care they can be kept indoors in spring.

It should be placed inside a bright and well-ventilated area. It needs a lot of moisture to grow and bloom. Mandatory Water daily while bloomingIt is necessary to watch that it drains well to avoid waterlogging. Add liquid fertilizer while it is in flower, so that the flowers are nice and big. Use an anti-aphid or a normal insecticide to kill any aphids that may come out of this plant.


Source: pinterest

This beautiful plant is native to Africa. Highlights gorgeous flowers with intense colors. The flowering time varies from spring to autumn. Its flowers can last for several weeks and is therefore very valuable as an ornamental flower. It is one of the flowering plants that prefers illuminated areas but not direct sunlight. It withstands high temperatures well and prefers ventilated places.

It is recommended that you have it. continuous irrigation, It is not abundant during the flowering season. Flooding should always be avoided. It is good to fertilize it during its growth and flowering. diluted liquid fertilizer 15 days in water.

In the language of flowers: gerbera It means joyis given to attract good vibes before changes in life. It is natural to give them to brides-to-be, pregnant women…


Source: viverosshangai

Plant native to South America, Asia and Africa. Represent sincerity and symbolize wealth and prosperity. Bougainvilleas should be planted after the cold season has passed in spring or summer. They need heat but prefer shade. The soil should be well drained so that water can reach the roots without being blocked. The substrate should be moist but not flooded. One way to do this is to place a saucer with water and pebbles underneath. It is one of the flowering plants. lasts for most of the year pay attention to moisture levels and use appropriate substrates.


Source: pinterest

It is one of the perfect flowering plants that add joy and color to our home. They can find wide variety of colors and its flowering will continue from the end of winter until high temperatures set in. It is preferable to place the plant in a place. bright and airy place Avoid direct sun. Abundant watering and ensuring good drainage without the soil drying out between waterings. Fertilizer will be once every two weeks during the flowering season.


Source: pinterest

This plant is one of the most popular because they for its very adaptable and medicinal properties. Can thrive year-round in a temperate climate. Needs a good amount of natural light, but in a semi-shaded area. Indoors, place in a well-lit room but away from a window. Does not tolerate excessive moisture. Ideally, you should water it when the soil is dry, making sure it has good drainage. It is one of the easiest plants to care for.


Source: Plantasyflores

Poppies, spring symbol The flowers are beautiful and delicate. However, they are hardy and rustic plants, very easy to care for. They can bloom both in the sun and in semi-shade. It can reach up to 90 cm in height, so a planting distance of 30º 30 cm is needed. watering should be occasional because it does not need much water.

Many other flowering plants that bloom in spring could be included in this little guide, but these are the ones that are easier to obtain. With them you can decorate your home and fill it with color and joy.

The topic Flowering plants to decorate your home in spring appeared first on mobeltrend.com.


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