Feng Shui in the living room

The table is round and made of woodFeng Shui in the living room Do you know everything Feng Shui can do for you and your home? It is an ancient method practiced especially in China to create harmony and enrich many aspects of life.

The table is round and made of wood

Feng Shui in decoration is applied by taking into account that any space directly affects our emotions and mood. By introducing small changes we can increase our happiness, health, creativity and well-being.

Shall we start with the living room?

11 tips to adapt your living room to Feng Shui

These are tips and pointers that will not cost you much to implement, but will definitely help you feel better in your living room:

Follow the Bagua map

Follow the Bagua mapFollow the Bagua map

The Bagua map is a Feng Shui concept that is usually applied above all to the entire house, although it is also possible to follow its construction in a single room. It helps us design the distribution of the room, in addition to showing us how we should distribute the different areas depending on the activities we carry out in each one.

Thus, the bagua map shows that we should create a more or less closed figure in the room that dominates the space and leave its surroundings as open as possible. In this way, visual calm will be achieved and the transition from one point to another will be easier.

How many right angles

How many right anglesHow many right angles

Of course, when arranging furniture and other elements in the living room in such a way that a closed figure is drawn, you should not allow the formation of completely right angles. This means, for example, if we are talking about sofas, armchairs or armchairs, the latter should be arranged in such a way as to open the angle.

It seems a bit contradictory, but the key is to achieve an enclosed microspace within the room and allow it to breathe without completely straight angles.

Make sure your sofa is the right one

Make sure your sofa is the right oneMake sure your sofa is the right one

As for the sofa, we can say that it is the main character of any living room and therefore it must be the right one and placed correctly in the room. First of all, make sure that you are comfortable in it. If not, the best thing is to make it more comfortable.

Also pay attention to what your sofa communicates to you. It is better if its structure is made of natural materials such as wood and the upholstery is soft. It is also important that the sofa is supported by a wall or a partition of sufficient size and does not have its back to the door.

The table is round and made of wood

The table is round and made of woodThe table is round and made of wood

If your living room is also a dining room, be aware that there are few things that Feng Shui rejects more than a glass table. This is because diners are believed to be comfortable and relaxed, and eating at a table made of this material can cause them to constantly worry about breaking or knocking over it.

Therefore, choose other materials (the favorite will always be wood) and make sure the table is round. This will facilitate communication and conversation between people sitting at lunch or dinner.

Use warm colors and avoid intense colors

Use warm colors and avoid intense colorsUse warm colors and avoid intense colors

In the same vein that always wants to convey serenity and calmness, the best colors for walls and furniture will be warm and soft. Feng Shui in particular advocates using an earthy color range, but white and gray can also be used.

The point is that no color should stand out too much from the others, because that would cause a feeling of uneasiness and a certain anxiety. As much as we like intense colors, we should avoid them if we want to follow the Feng Shui method in the home.

Light is very important

Light is very importantLight is very important

Of course, allowing natural light into the living room will always be a priority. Of course, during the hottest times of the year or when the light is very intense, it doesn't hurt to install unobtrusive blinds or soft curtains, preferably made of natural fabrics such as gauze or cotton.

In addition, the key to Feng Shui is to place several points of light in the living room so that an interesting play of light is created. When placing spotlights, pendant lights, floor lamps and even table lamps, it is important to keep in mind that none of them reflect directly on the person sitting at the table or on the sofa.

Learn to eliminate the unnecessary

Learn to eliminate the unnecessaryLearn to eliminate the unnecessary

Probably the most important thing for the Feng Shui method is to maintain order and cleanliness in the house. Many times we may think that we have this controlling aspect, but it is not that simple.

To avoid this, the objects and accessories that we have in the living room become disorganized over time and with the resulting restlessness and stress that this can cause us, the key is not to accumulate or store unnecessary items. In fact, Feng Shui argues that everything must have a fixed place and that if something is not used, it must be thrown away.

Television, be careful

Television, be carefulTelevision, be careful

Nowadays it is almost impossible to find a living room without a television. Although this is recommended to encourage rest, relaxation and conversation among family and friends, Feng Shui adapts to the new times and allows the inclusion of a television in this room of the house, but with some limitations.

For starters, it would be ideal to be able to store it when not in use. One option to do this is to place it in a folding cabinet. If not possible, it should be placed in a very inconspicuous place and, above all, try not to be too close to the main table or focused on it, as it will monopolize all the attention during the meeting moments.

Choose only images and photos that reflect calmness

Choose only images and photos that reflect calmnessChoose only images and photos that reflect calmness

Another common tendency that contradicts the principles of Feng Shui is to hang pictures or photographs that actually bother us when we look at them. Although we like them, we should consider what effect they have on us and our minds.

For example, having photos from the past can sometimes create a feeling of nostalgia in us that is not positive. Another example is pictures with very intense scenes or colors, which can make us feel uneasy when looking at them. As much as we love them, they do not contribute to creating an atmosphere of peace and relaxation.

Plants yes, but not in any way

Plants yes, but not in any wayPlants yes, but not in any way

If you love to surround yourself with flowers and plants in your living room, you're in luck: Feng Shui involves placing such items among your premises, but with some conditions.

First of all, as for flowers, they should not be too large if the room faces northwest, northeast or southeast, because in these cases they can contribute to the imbalance of the room's energy.

At the same time, plants with rounded leaves are recommended and not pointed, because what they do is absorb the available energy. For the same reason, it may be a good idea to place such plants next to the television.

Think twice before installing carpet

Think twice before installing carpetThink twice before installing carpet

Remembering once again the importance of the flow of energy in the spaces we find ourselves in, placing carpets in the living room may not be a completely good idea. Although they are made of natural materials such as plant fibers, they are elements that slow down the passage of much-needed energy in the house.

In any case, if you can not resist and want to have a carpet in your living room, what you have to do is to carefully choose it in a soft color and, if possible, place it between the door and the window.

Feng Shui elements in the living room

When decorating and distributing living room furniture according to the principles of Feng Shui, we cannot forget one of its foundations, its elements. These elements are not only associated with the Feng Shui method, but they mark the entire scope of Chinese metaphysics. They are a kind of guide.

There are five of these elements (Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water), but not all of them should be prominent in your living room. In this room we see the important ones:

Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water

Feng Shui elements in the living room - woodFeng Shui elements in the living room - wood

The wood element is one of the most important elements in the living room, so according to Feng Shui it should be developed to take advantage of all the benefits it can give us. What it represents is the warmth of spring and this is achieved with furniture made of this type of material, as well as plants and paintings.

Straight lines will be the protagonists. The wood element is important in the living room because it invites reflection, but at the same time Feng Shui recommends moderation because it can be overwhelming.


Feng Shui elements in the living room - worldFeng Shui elements in the living room - world

Another of the dominant elements in rooms where we want to relax, but also activate through shared conversations and games, is the Earth element.

This element of Feng Shui provides stability and if it is not enough in the areas it belongs to, it is possible for us to feel a sense of 'dizziness' or for time to pass too quickly. At the same time, too much Earth can make us feel stuck.

How to enhance the Earth element in your living room? Rectangular and flat shapes and materials such as clay, ceramics or stone. Paintings with horizon views will also contribute.


Feng Shui elements in the living room - fireFeng Shui elements in the living room - fire

Finally, the Fire element will be responsible for stimulating the life force and communication in the room. Its functions are very important in this room, since we are talking about a meeting place where they will try to strengthen their personal bonds. However, too much of it can cause too much irritability.

We will find balance by giving the right importance to both natural and artificial light. It can also be improved when we perceive light in photographs or paintings. In terms of materials, leather or wool will be key to encouraging liveliness and creativity.


Feng Shui is increasingly valued in a society where in many cases there is a lack of control over feelings and emotions. When decorating or distributing the elements of a room, we can use this method to feel much better, happier, calmer and more relaxed.

These tips are not difficult to implement in your own living room and with just a few small changes you will definitely start to notice the difference. Order, clarity, calm and energy will all be responsible in their proper measure.

The topic Feng Shui in the living room appeared first on mobeltrend.com.


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