Discover what can change your menstrual cycle

Irregular menstrual cycle and its causes

The menstrual cycle is regulated by many factors. It's not just hormonal. An imbalance in our body can cause changes in our menstrual cycle, from delays to missing weeks when we don't have a period, to extreme pain or a heavy flow. So we have to think about everything that can change our menstrual cycle to see if it's the cause of our problems.

Having a good menstrual cycle not only helps us on a daily basisbecause it makes things easier for us, but also because it shows that our health is good because our hormones and our body are in balance. Any disharmony can be caused by several factors and we must look at these to change what could be harmful to us.

Hormonal problemler

Menstrual cycle

One of the main reasons why the menstrual cycle is disrupted is that we have some hormonal problems. This may be the problem from various hormones or sites that control hormone secretion so it's something that's hard to establish. You need to have tests to find out exactly what's wrong, from hormone level tests to tests to see if there's a benign tumor in places like the pituitary gland that controls hormones. Thyroid issues can also cause changes in menstrual bleeding. Another well-known cause is Polycystic ovary syndrome, or polycystic ovary syndrome, which causes a variety of hormonal problems as cysts form on the ovaries, including being overweight, hair loss, hirsutism and loss of menstruation.

Excessive exercise

Sports and the menstrual cycle

Another reason that often causes loss of menstrual cycle is excessive exercise. For the rule to apply There must be a certain level of fat in the body. Elite athletes who have low body fat and do very demanding sports often have problems losing their menstrual cycles for this reason. In any case, in this case, regaining some weight and a diet containing healthy fats usually restores a normal menstrual cycle.

Under the weight

Low weight also means that your period can come in irregular cycles or withdraw completely, producing amenorrhea. Our hormone levels need to be normal and the body needs to have quality fuel to function normally, and this has always been the case. Dietary imbalances lead to many other imbalances in our body. affecting hormones. Also, overweight people can end up with decompensated hormones which causes disruption of the menstrual cycle.

Stress and anxiety

Stress and the menstrual cycle

Today, we live in a constant coming and going, with work and lives that sometimes demand too much and we have no time to rest. This causes us to find ourselves in permanent stress in daily life situations. Not controlling this stress and anxiety leads to many problems in our body. Not only has it been proven to affect our weakened immune system, but all kinds of diseases and problems arise, as well as It also causes our hormones to become unbalanced..

In most cases, problems with the menstrual cycle are simply related to a stressful period and anxiety. There is a very important psychological factor when it comes to having a balanced rule, so this is another reason that we must take into account. We know that if we are stressed or go through anxious moments, the probability of this type of problem occurring is very high.


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