Decoration and customization ideas for your accessories

Are you a creative person? Do you have innovative ideas? If so, be sure to read this article about creativity, after all today we celebrate creativity, the ability to make a gift or innovate and create objects and solutions that make everyday life easier.

Decoration and customization ideas for your accessories

To celebrate, we'll teach you a few ways to decorate your home, clothes, and accessories with CDs. Stay tuned for our special DIY.

Nowadays, we listen to music through online applications (Spotify, Itunes, Youtube, Google Play etc.) and you must have some CDs at home that you no longer use, right? Go to any electronics store and you will find the so-called “virgin CDs” for very cheap.

Shall we get to the ingredients?


– White liquid glue

– 5 to 10 CDs

– Scissors

– MDF box

creativity with cd

Here's how to do it:

– Take a rectangular or square box with a lid

– Depending on the size of the box, cut 5 to 7 CDs in medium sizes and irregular cuts

– Apply white glue to the lid and glue the pieces together like a puzzle.

– Wait 8 hours for it to dry

bite box
  • CD Shirt Collar details


– Fabric glue

– 2 CD

– Scissors

– 100 ml hot water

Step by step to make the collar on CD

Here's how to do it:

– Place the CDs in hot water for 1 minute.

– Let it cool for 10 minutes and cut into irregular pieces

– Glue the fabric piece by piece to the collar of the shirt using fabric glue.

– Let it dry for 48 hours

Isn't everything so beautiful? The technique of using the CD is always the same, what difference does it make to the surface you want to decorate.

CD shirt collar

See other inspirations:

Paste with CD details
Christmas ball with CD detail

Did you like the ideas on simple CDs?

Use and abuse your creativity 😀

Make sure to share it on your social networks.

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Meet our Editor Ocean In our blog, Ocean shares the most innovative ideas in the field of decoration. With years of experience, Ocean combines aesthetics and functionality to present you with the latest trends and timeless designs. Discover how you can transform your spaces with creative inspiration and practical solutions. Thank you for visiting us and sharing our passion for design!

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