COLOR THEORY What is it and what is it used for?

Have you ever heard of color theory? It may seem like something basic that everyone has known since elementary school, but it's actually not something that more than one person would understand, and you definitely don't know it. o It could be very useful. in your life.

You may have heard someone wondering What is color theory?at some point in your life. But do not doubt anymore, right here we will clarify all your questions about this topic.

I will explain it to you below What is color theory? and how it is applied on a daily basis in our daily lives.

What is color theory?

What is color theory

Color theory is a set of norms and basic rules for color mixingis used to obtain tone sets that are pleasing to the eye and evoke positive emotions in those who see them.

This theory is a fundamental rule for anyone working in art, graphic design, photography, and any field where images are applied.

What is special about this theory is that it does not serve a single cause, but rather incoming different writers and thinkers Some were part of art history and optical physics.

For example, one of the best-known results from color theory is that chromatic circleis the main useful tool to get the best color combinations and blends that can be requested.

If you want to know how and what this circle is for, you can do see in our article: what is the chromatic circle and what is it for.

Now, there are different types of color theory studies that generally address a characteristic or feature. Which I'll talk to you about later.

Types of color theory studies by feature

Depending on the characteristics of the color in question studied by the scientist, theory will take a different approachThese could be:

  • Brightness: Another name for it is “value” and it is related to the lighter or darker the color. In other words, if it is closer to black or white.
  • Satiety: Do you know what a dirty color is? Basically saturation has to do with whether the color is pure or dirty, this is determined by the amount of gray it has, if the color has too much gray it will produce that dirty effect that we know.
  • Hue: Hue, also called color, is what allows us to distinguish one color from another. You could say that it is the component itself.

In addition to the features of color theory, there are also some models to better use and examine color, which I will tell you about below.

Color Theory Models

These models serve to describe colors can be distinguished in a photo, image, or even video.

It not only helps to create order and space for all teams working on color acquisition, but also create appearance simulation what image or picture it will be.

For example, the image you made on the computer can be previewed to see what the final result will be before printing or finishing it.

This would be very helpful while doing a job with colors, because this way you will know if the combination of the same ones you use is really beautiful or not.

Now I will explain to you the models of color theory:

RGB color model

Its name is derived from the abbreviation of the English word and is given by its use. Primary colors; red, green, and blue, from which you can create the rest of the secondary and tertiary palette.

It is an “acquisition” system that includes colors. combine to obtain another.It doesn't work with just two colors; blackas a result of the absence of other colors and aimthe entire color set must be combined to achieve this.

You can see this pattern on television, computers, videos, and any device that projects images.

CMYK color model

This model is also created by combining only colors instead of the main colors. use yellow, magenta and blue.

Since it cannot be used in devices that can emit light, this model light-dimming colorsWhen you mix all the pure colors, you end up with black, which is representative of a complete lack of light.

Using this method, the rest of the secondary colors are created using only possible combinations of three colors.

This model may seem very strange to you, but it is really very used in ink printingwhere the paper cannot use the lighting that comes with the computer monitor.

Each color theory has its own extensive study with its own models, but apart from that there are also multiple studies on the properties and contrasts of colors.

Contrast in color theory

Contrast is everything the differences that a color has differentiate oneself from others within the same work. This diversity is interrelated and affects the perception of the viewer.

A layman perceives these differences only by intuition, but a professional who already knows this concept well can use and modify it to his liking and convenience.

Johannes Itten was a Swiss graphic artist who, along with other famous artists and theorists, carefully studied color perception in humans and how it occurs. can represent each person's personality.

This man is considered to be the main harbinger of contrast in colors and his work. described several specieswhich I will show you below.

Light and dark contrast or value

In this type of contrast, the use of black and white colors is very common, it is about playing with the brightness of these elements to create it. dark and silent effects very original and good looking.

One of the most used areas is, Art design or images where you are looking for those dark and quiet effects.

Contrast of pure color or tone

It's about using colors that are farthest from each other. chromatic circlethis contrasting style creates a certain combination. dynamic and harmonious perceptions.

The result is usually about energetic and vibrant tonesand even happy; An example of this would be in decoration, where colors are intended to create positive sensations.

Contrast of cold and warm colors or temperature

With this kind of contrast, perceptions of heat or cold colors; for example, a warm color will appear warmer if surrounded by cool colors, while a warm color will appear cooler if surrounded by similar colors.

In painting and decorationa lot is played with this to create very interesting works of temperature contrasts.

Quantity contrast

It is a type of contrast in which one color dominates with more space than the other, in simpler words, one color. more of one color than another.

It serves more than anything to create unique visual effectsor to harmonize some complementary combinations, it all depends on what you want to create with it.

Simultaneous contrast

This contrasting style is very different and complex It is not a very common situation because it is the eye's reaction to balance between two different colors and trying to balance each other.

It's really hard to find it because it's more about defining them than creating them.

Contrast of complementary colors

It consists of using two colors that are on opposite sides of the color wheel. The resulting combination is a lively and energetic harmony This attracts the attention of those who see it.

In fashion, such contrasts are widely used to create garments with striking and original design styles.

Saturation contrast

About combination of bright colors with their oppositesoff; thus making the vivid color appear more vivid and the neutral color appear more muted.

This is a kind of contrast mostly used in marketingwhere you want to highlight a striking message or product.

Now, after all this theory, you might be interested in seeing some visual examples that you can find in your daily life. Go ahead, I'll show you here.

Color Samples

Color theory emerges Everywhere wherever colors are mixed or combined, i.e. even in your room.

Here are some wonderful examples of colors found in nature.

Don't forget that to learn more about the meanings of your favorite colors you should visit us and comment what you think.


Meet our Editor Ocean In our blog, Ocean shares the most innovative ideas in the field of decoration. With years of experience, Ocean combines aesthetics and functionality to present you with the latest trends and timeless designs. Discover how you can transform your spaces with creative inspiration and practical solutions. Thank you for visiting us and sharing our passion for design!

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