BLUE COLOR meaning | The tone of peace and serenity

Meaning of the color blue | Peace and serenity. The favorite color of the vast majority of people around the world is blue, a comfortable and all-terrain tone that you can wear at any time of the year and for any event, and it goes well with every skin tone.

If you like this tone you will also like this site, today we will talk about the definition of blue, what it represents and what it means to us.

Blue color meaning

Shades of blue

Shades of blueBlue is one of the three primary colors and our eyes can perceive it from the first moment we see it. It is a manifestation of the retraction and absorption of light that allows the eye to perceive it this way.

In fact, since ancient times exists in human life a tone that is, from now on I will explain what blue represents to us.

What does the color blue symbolize?

Blue is one of the most magical colors, it represents that infinite corner that opens like a window to our soul. It is wisdom filled with love and experiences, it represents the feminine ideal.

It connects you with vision, meditation, intuition, ideal love, depth, detachment from material things.

You find it in the sea, in the sky, in precious stones like sapphire, lapis lazuli. It is one of the colors with the most meanings and I will explain each one to you. From now on you will see what the color blue means.

Meaning of the color blue

Meaning of blue color

More generally, the meaning of blue can be stability, peace and serenity. Just like when you look at a clear sky it gives you the feeling that it's going to be a beautiful day, although of course this depends on who is seeing it and how it makes you feel.

However, the meaning and symbolism of blue will vary depending on the region and especially the tone. Therefore, I will show you the different meanings of blue.

What is the meaning of the color blue in psychology?

What is the meaning of the color blue in psychology?

It is said that a person's fondness for a color represents their personality, while blue represents confidence and stability. This is because in psychology, we associate it with different elements.

Many police uniforms are blue, the sky and calm sea are also blue. It is also believed to be a color related to a person's intelligence.

police officers

Meaning of sky blue color

The meaning of the sky blue or azure color is peace, tranquility and calm. For this reason, this tone is very used to decorate meditation or relaxation areas such as the bedroom or bathroom, it is highly recommended for use in cases of insomnia.

sky blue color meaning

Dark blue color meaning

Dark shades of blue with maturity and firmness It is strongly associated with the sun because it is a shadow that we find in the depths of the sea, in storms, and even in the evening sky.

In turn, this tone is widely used in the business world in the tone of a suit or the tone of a company's personal brand.

businessman in dark blue suit

The meaning of navy blue color

One of the favorite hues we find in the night sky, in ancient times it was linked to divinity, immortality and royalty.

It is a tone that represents pharaohs, virgins and divine beings, it was believed that this color was the home of the gods, as it was bright and contained the beauty of the night sky.

Navy blue also represents loyalty and devotion. Like sky blue, navy blue also conveys stability and serenity. Therefore, it is recommended to decorate places of concentration or work, which also serves to reduce stress.

It is also a great color for elegance, as in the past it was a color that represented high society, the color gives a great sense of economic status and is very trendy.

The meaning of navy blue color

Meaning of blue violet color

Violet blue is considered an “inner color” that helps you recognize your inner feelings or thoughts, it is linked to intelligence and deep emotions.

Generally, dreams are of a positive tone, symbolizing eternity, wonder and wisdom, truth, fidelity and rest.

Meaning of blue violet color

Indigo color meaning

Indigo is the color of personality, devotion, and wisdom, as well as representing spirituality and fantasy.

In turn, this color helps with creativity and order, an indigo person is said to have better artistic abilities than average. If you want to learn more about this color, I recommend you to check out our indigo color article.

On the other hand, the color blue can represent purity, sadness, ordinariness, and even nostalgia for something that no longer exists. Many artists use this tone to convey the pain of a scene or a tragedy.

Indigo color meaning

The meaning of blue color in marketing

Colors are widely used for the commercialization of products or advertisements of companies, and in the case of the color blue, its use is quite common in areas such as technology.

There are studies where blue was combined with grey or black for advertising and this managed to increase sales satisfactorily.

It is also one of the most used colors for companies because it conveys feelings of calmness and trust. While its darker tones help with spaciousness and elegance, it is also very suitable for personal hygiene.

The meaning of blue color in marketing

The meaning of the color blue in the New Year

It is said that using the color blue to welcome the new year can help you in planning new projects, as it allows you to separate emotions from logic and think logically about what you want for the future.

It will also bring peace into your life, improve communication with loved ones, provide stability during busy times, and attract abundance.

The meaning of the color blue in the New Year

The meaning of the color blue in spirituality

Blue is one of the most spiritual colors because of the strong belief that it can balance the energies of communication and our understanding of others. It is the peace and tranquility that an individual can have, his inner harmony.

There are two perspectives on the spiritual symbolism of this color: positive and negative:


  • Spirit.
  • Inspiration.
  • Fact.
  • Loyalty.
  • Me.
  • Silent.
  • Peace.
  • Hope.
  • Dedication.
  • Sincerity.
  • Intuition.
  • Justice.


  • Cold.
  • Distance
  • expression.
  • Melancholy.
  • Tears.
  • Sadness.
  • indifference.

Meaning of blue color in dreams

It is very normal for one color to dominate your dreams, which means there is a strong feeling full of vitality.

If you saw the color blue in your dream, it can mean that peace, soul and heart prevail in your life. Maybe you are looking for more self-control and intelligence, this also means the advancement of some skills.

It indicates a calm and thoughtful personality with tolerant and controlled emotional intelligence.

If you dreamed of very light ice blue shades, it could mean excessive domination and lack of affection in love.

Meaning of blue color in dreams

We tried to explain the meaning of the blue color, which we are sure you will love, as much as we could. Stay blue, Stay warm.

Don't forget to visit us for the meanings of your favorite colors and leave us what you think in the comments.


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