Architecture and Home Decoration Design Trends 2025

Architecture And Home Decoration Design Trends 2025 The last year and a half has brought many unexpected events, the most important of which is that we spent much more time at home than before.

The expert decorator and stylist at the company Architects told how the needs of clients of architectural offices are changing and what innovations are expected in the interior sphere in the near future.

Neutral natural colorsArchitecture and Home Decoration Design Trends 2025

It's no secret that different tones evoke different emotions and feelings: some fill us with energy, others calm us, others cause irritation, and still others help to relax.

You can create a calm space and achieve a peaceful atmosphere. Stone, clay, sand, various shades of beige and gray are pleasant and not tiring. Neutral tones will be diluted with juicy malachite and ultramarine, which will remind you of distant exotic travels and ocean expanses. These colors will look as accents in modern interiors.

Soft formsArchitecture and Home Decoration Design Trends 2025

Another trend that will stay with us for a long time is the absence of corners and sharp edges. Smooth and soft lines, rounded and airy shapes have long returned to fashion and will not give up their positions. The design includes smooth surfaces and furniture with rounded corners: coffee tables, tables, chair backs, armrests, chandeliers. This can be explained by the fact that:

Use of antibacterial materialsArchitecture and Home Decoration Design Trends 2025

Copper has become the most popular material during the coronavirus period. The molecules of this metal actually destroy all known germs and viruses. The list of antimicrobial copper products increasingly used in interior design includes faucets, sinks, door handles, furniture handles and toiletries.

No doubt this list will be filled with new products. Copper is also increasingly used in backsplashes, countertops, and even furniture.

Another popular material is artificial stone, which has a protective function, as it does not corrode, and its non-toxicity and antibacterial effect have been confirmed by laboratory studies.

It is artificial stone that is often used in the decoration of hospital operating rooms. In residential interiors, this material can now be found not only in the decoration of the kitchen or bathroom, but also in the design of the living room and even the bedroom. Less porous types of large-format stone are preferred – this way the number of seams during installation is minimized and, as a result, bacteria accumulate in them.

The rise in popularity of antiquesArchitecture and Home Decoration Design Trends 2025

In addition, the popularity of antiques and antiques will continue to grow in recent years. This can be explained by the fact that antique objects have a calming effect, being associated with stability and constancy. Nostalgia is the main trend in interior design for the near future.

A new look at balconies and loggiasArchitecture and Home Decoration Design Trends 2025

The customers' view of the functionality of balconies and loggias has changed radically. If earlier most people tried to add a balcony to their living space, increasing the living space of an apartment, today many refuse even to glaze it.

Thus, a place appears in the house where you can breathe fresh air and sunbathe. However, even those who still decide to glaze the balcony, try to create a green oasis where they can be in touch with nature and take a break from work with the help of indoor plants. Storage systems and organization of workplaces on the balcony become secondary.

The end of the studio eraArchitecture and Home Decoration Design Trends 2025

The pandemic has shown that the apartment should have at least one separate room, where you can not only isolate a sick relative, but also retire. With proper zoning of the room, selection of furniture, interior items and proper organization of lighting, a small studio can become a full-fledged apartment, but it still does not replace a full-fledged separate bedroom. People began to think more about the future, many couples began to live together, and the studio layout is more comfortable for one person to live.

Work at homeArchitecture and Home Decoration Design Trends 2025

Many companies have transferred their employees to remote work and to conduct regular office work, a full-fledged workspace is definitely needed. A separate office, spacious desks, comfortable office chairs are now at the peak of popularity. If earlier customers wanted to equip a workplace mainly in the bedroom or living room, now they are trying to allocate a separate room for full-fledged work.

Home fitness boomArchitecture and Home Decoration Design Trends 2025

Another new desire is to leave a place for sports in the apartment. Although fitness clubs and studios have been open for a long time, many people like to do sports without leaving home so much that customers are increasingly demanding to provide a special place in the apartment for this. This should be a corner free of furniture with a large mirror and a place to store sports equipment, and if space allows, a full-fledged hall with exercise machines, dumbbells and barbells.


Meet our Editor Ocean In our blog, Ocean shares the most innovative ideas in the field of decoration. With years of experience, Ocean combines aesthetics and functionality to present you with the latest trends and timeless designs. Discover how you can transform your spaces with creative inspiration and practical solutions. Thank you for visiting us and sharing our passion for design!

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