Renovation of the Exterior: Material and Color Selection

Are you planning to renovate the facade of your house? Before starting any work, you need to carefully choose the materials and colors. The first thing to do is to check with the city hall to find out the restrictions set out in the local urban planning plan and then ask yourself the right questions. Learn more about the selection criteria for renovating a facade.

Exterior Facade Renovation 2025

What preliminary steps need to be taken to renovate the exterior?

Preparing the worksite is important. To ensure the renovation work goes smoothly, you need to follow a few basic rules.

Firstly, if the scaffolding is to be erected on a public road, you will need to obtain permission from your local council. Although you do not need to apply for planning permission for this type of project, you will need to obtain permission for the work in advance. This permission is applied for at the council building where the renovation work will be carried out.

Preparation also includes protecting openings in the house once the scaffolding is up. It is best to install protective coverings to prevent plaster and paint splashes from damaging doors and windows.

Unless you are planning any other major jobs, it may be a good idea to rent scaffolding rather than buying it yourself.

What restrictions are there when choosing exterior color?

First of all, you need to consider the rules and regulations that apply in your local area. The first document to consult is the local town planning plan. It gives you all the information you need about the current restrictions. A colour chart may be required. This document also indicates whether your home is within the perimeter of a historical monument. If so, additional restrictions may apply.

Finally, if you live on a plot of land, you should consult the rules before choosing any color.

How do you choose the color of your house's facade?

Depending on the architecture

There are several factors to consider when choosing the next color for your exterior. One of these is the architecture of the building. Homes with a traditional style can accommodate almost anything. On the other hand, homes with a contemporary design will stand out more with neutral tones like white, beige, and even black.

New Filli Paint Color Chart exterior

But in addition to color, the material of the facade also plays an important role. It determines the character of the house. Depending on the style of your house, you can choose rough plaster, matte finish with effects or a plain surface, coating, etc.

The color selection should be compatible with the material. It is important to respect the architecture of the house by combining the two skillfully.

Depending on the atmosphere you want

Just like choosing interior decoration, choosing the exterior cladding determines the atmosphere you want to create. The color of your exterior cladding should match your preferences and reflect the exact atmosphere you desire.

Exterior Color Catalogue 2025

Warm colours such as red, orange, pink, yellow or ochre are ideal for creating a welcoming atmosphere. On the other hand, if you want your home to blend in with its surroundings, simple and discreet colours such as grey, beige or taupe can be preferred.

A house by the sea will blend harmoniously into the landscape with blue or green colors.

Depending on the direction

Although it is an important criterion when it comes to color selection, exposure is often overlooked.

If your cozy home is in the south of the country or your home is constantly exposed to the sun, it is recommended to opt for a palette of light colors.

Apartment exterior paint samples

Dark colours tend to fade when exposed to ultraviolet light. This choice also provides thermal comfort in the summer months, as strong colours absorb the heat transmitted by the sun's rays.

We also recommend avoiding very light whites, as they tend to be glaring as well as messy.

Depending on your immediate surroundings

When choosing a colour for your exterior, it is important to consider neighbouring houses. The aim is to maintain the harmony of the area. If you are too original, you risk creating an unsightly effect and receiving criticism from neighbours.

It is therefore best to rely on the colours of the surrounding facades to match the dominant colour tone. In general, it is a good idea to respect local traditions. For example, red facades are common in the Toulouse region. In a house in a historic city centre, it is best to adopt the regional style.

Don’t be afraid to base your choice on the surrounding landscape. A villa by the sea can easily have a blue facade. Elsewhere, the situation is more complicated.

Restrictions to consider when choosing materials

Before you start renovating your facade, there are a number of criteria to consider when choosing materials. The legal aspect should be taken into account, referring to your local municipality and any subdivision regulations.

The choice of material should also be based on a number of criteria:

  • Your budget: Don't be afraid to get several quotes from different siding builders.
  • Complexity of installation (transportation and installation into the building).
  • Safety aspect. The risk of fire should not be ignored. The materials used should have low conductivity and even fireproof properties.
  • Service life.
  • Quality of facade insulation.
  • Aesthetic.
  • Frequency and ease of maintenance.

All these factors apply regardless of the material (cladding, stone, terracotta, brick, concrete, etc.).

The exterior of an apartment building is usually a common area and is an element that provides the aesthetic appearance and protection of the building. The exterior of the apartment buildings reflects the character of the building and creates an image that its residents are proud of. The maintenance and renovation of the exterior is usually decided and implemented by the apartment management or the management board.

Decisions such as painting the exterior of an apartment building are also part of these processes. Painting the exterior is an important step in renovating and beautifying the building. However, various factors should be considered before making the decision to paint the exterior.

Exterior Colors Filled Paint

Firstly, the decision to paint the exterior should be made by the common consent of the residents. This means that the apartment management or the board of directors should establish a decision-making mechanism by taking the opinions of the residents. Surveys or meetings should be held among the residents of the apartment to ensure a general consensus on the painting issue.

In addition, a budget should be determined for the exterior painting process. Since the painting process will be carried out by a professional team, costs will arise. The apartment management or board of directors should determine the budget and reach an agreement on the contributions or payments of the residents.

Correct timing is also important for exterior painting. A season with suitable weather conditions should be chosen and a suitable time frame should be determined for the painting process. Apartment residents may also request temporary arrangements to ensure that the painting process does not negatively affect apartment life.

The color or colors to be used when painting the exterior are also important. In order to achieve an aesthetic appearance, the appropriate color selection should be made and the preferences of the apartment residents should be taken into account. The style of the building, harmony with the environment and the requests of the residents should be taken into consideration when choosing colors.

Finally, a professional painting team should be selected for the exterior painting process. A skilled and experienced team will provide quality workmanship and a long-lasting result. It is also important to take safety precautions during the painting process.

The decision to paint the exterior of an apartment is an important step towards improving the appearance of the building and making living spaces more enjoyable. Making this decision in a way that reflects the interests and preferences of the residents will strengthen the overall aesthetics and community spirit of the building.


Meet our Editor Ocean In our blog, Ocean shares the most innovative ideas in the field of decoration. With years of experience, Ocean combines aesthetics and functionality to present you with the latest trends and timeless designs. Discover how you can transform your spaces with creative inspiration and practical solutions. Thank you for visiting us and sharing our passion for design!

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