Keep Your Kitchen Bugs Away with 8 Natural Remedies!

8 Natural Solutions to Get Rid of Insects in Your Kitchen

Keep your kitchen bug-free with these 8 natural remedies! Learn how to use essential oils, cloves, and other natural ingredients to get rid of bugs. HomeLane has the perfect solutions for a safe and healthy kitchen. Here's a comprehensive guide to keeping your kitchen clean.

Easy Ways to Get Rid of Stubborn Insects in Your Kitchen

Your kitchen is one place where bug sprays can do more harm than good. And unfortunately, it is also one of the most common places where bug infestations occur. This problem increases greatly during the monsoon and summer seasons when diseases and infections carried by these pests increase.

But let’s not forget that India is a haven for natural remedies and home remedies, so unsurprisingly, there are a ton of natural ways to get rid of the little bugs that love to make your kitchen their home.

Easy Ways to Get Rid of Stubborn Insects in Your Kitchen

Before we discuss the remedies, let’s get the obvious out of the way. Bugs are significantly less attracted to clean kitchens, so if you want long-term protection against the little bugs, focus on keeping your kitchen clean and spotless.

Remove food waste daily, clean counters and stovetops after every cooking spree, wash containers immediately after use, and empty cabinets for regular cleaning. You need a comprehensive cleaning schedule for your kitchen after each season.

Sometimes, even that’s not enough. Some homes are prone to pests and cockroaches, and sometimes bugs inexplicably appear in the cleanest of spaces. For those situations, we have eight hassle-free solutions that can help you keep your kitchen sanitary all year round.

1. Neem for 200 Types of Insects

Neem tree is a blessing for humans. Almost all parts of this plant are beneficial in many ways and can be added to your list of home remedies for great results. Neem oil kills more than 200 species of insects like whiteflies, aphids, thrips, etc.

Mix a few drops of neem oil with plain water or soapy water and spray the solution in the corners of your kitchen. Make sure you don’t miss any spots that might harbor insects. This will also keep cockroaches away. Alternatively, sprinkle neem powder in different areas of your kitchen to keep insects away.

2. Mint to Kill Insects and Spiders

Mint is a magical ingredient that elevates food and keeps your kitchen sanitary. Mint leaves and mint oils are great at repelling small insects, ants, spiders, and even mice. Plus, they make your kitchen smell amazing.

Take peppermint essential oil, mix it with water and spray it around windows, doors and vents. You will see a significant reduction in insects coming in. You can also store crushed and dried peppermint leaves in a shallow bowl to keep flies and mosquitoes out of your kitchen.

3. Coffee Grounds for Stubborn Pests

There’s a good old trick that will definitely work for those stubborn pests that keep coming back to your kitchen. The smell of coffee that wakes you up in the morning can also repel insects from your kitchen.

Place fresh coffee grounds in difficult spots around your kitchen where you suspect pests are getting in. Place them near doors and openings to stop bugs at the source. The strong aroma of coffee will repel many different types of bugs. But it will smell great to you, so that’s a bonus!

4. Apple Cider Vinegar to Drive Away Moths and Dry Out Flies

Drain flies live in kitchen sink drains and thrive in wet and humid areas. They are a real threat in tropical climates and can bring many diseases. Similarly, small moths are often attracted to kitchen lights and can land in your food. The best way to get rid of them is with vinegar.

Take it a step further and use apple cider vinegar to repel these pests. Fill a bottle with vinegar, cover it with plastic wrap, and poke a few holes in the plastic lid with a safety pin or toothpick. Make the holes big enough for the bugs to get into the bottle to be attracted to the smell and get trapped.

5. Lavender for Fleas

Fleas are disgusting, harmful and annoying to say the least. Use the beautiful and fragrant lavender plant to keep fleas, flies and mosquitoes away from your sacred kitchen.

You can make a solution of lavender oil and water to sprinkle around the kitchen. Or, place bags of dried lavender on kitchen shelves to keep bugs away. Lavender has a heavenly scent and doubles as an air freshener. So, it's a win-win situation for you.

6. Onion + Baking Soda for Cockroaches

Cockroaches are the biggest threat to any kitchen. They can withstand nuclear radiation longer than humans and are known to be one of the most resilient creatures on earth. Naturally, they are a pain to remove from your kitchen.

One of the best ways to achieve this is to use onion and baking soda. Chop an onion and add a tablespoon of baking soda. Then, place this mixture in the corners of your kitchen. Reapply every night to achieve a cockroach-free kitchen all year round.

7. Cinnamon to Kill Ants

Another common kitchen insect is the ant. They are attracted to so many kitchen items that they are hard to keep track of. Use cinnamon to keep ants away from your sugary treats.

Ants are said to hate the smell of cinnamon. Use this to your advantage by placing cinnamon powder in cracks and corners where ants can crawl out. You can also add any essential oil to cinnamon powder and spray it around the kitchen or place cinnamon sticks to prevent mess.

8. Cloves and Bay Leaves to Keep Insects Away

Bed bugs are nasty insects that infest your rice, flour, cereals, and pasta. They enter your kitchen through cracks and gaps and ruin your favorite grains. Cloves and bay leaves are very effective and natural repellents for lice.

The easiest way to protect your grains from these insects is to place a few bay leaves or a few cloves inside the containers. Their strong scent will repel the lice and keep your starchy grains fresh for a long time.

Since pesticides and chemical sprays can contaminate your food and kitchenware, it is always preferable to opt for natural ways to get rid of small insects in the kitchen. And when you are in the land of natural solutions, why would you choose something artificial?

Simple and inexpensive kitchen supplies, like the ones we listed above, work well to keep the area free of bugs and insects. For more such tips on maintaining a beautiful home, check out Decorau.Com.


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