Wall Paintings 2025 Fashion Trends

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Decorating a wall with pictures is not easy, especially if we don't know where to start. Pay attention to the tricks to create a harmonious picture composition.


Decorating an empty wall is not easy, because the options to do it are endless and depend on many factors. Also, making it look beautiful with taste and style is even more complicated. But do not worry, here are some tricks that can help you turn that wall into your most valuable and original canvas.

The composition of the pictures is the key to making that wall perfect. Take note of the ideas, tips and tricks below and don't get distracted anymore, get to work now!

Choose a uniform theme

wall decoration with paintings

While not essential, standardizing the theme will help to visually unify the space. This is a good trick if you’re new to decorating walls and a little lost. We recommend having uniformity in content as well as in continents.

So both the pictures or photographs themselves and the morphology of the frames are related. On the other hand, if black and white photographs are your thing, you should know that this chromatic duo looks great and if all your photographs or paintings respond to this tone, you will achieve a uniform atmosphere and move away from visual chaos.



Frame selection

As we have said before, it is recommended that the frames have continuity and visual consistency, whether in color or style. A trick to achieve this is to paint all the frames in the same tone; that they are all made of the same material (wood, metal, plastic…). On the other hand, it is not recommended to use frames with different shapes, such as some square and others round or very long.

When you become a little more expert in decorating your walls, you can choose frames with different patterns and colors such as white, black and wood (but make sure they are in harmonious tones and colors). In this way, you can achieve a more dynamic composition and give your wall a vintage look.

How to place tables

Another thing to keep in mind when decorating your walls with pictures is where you are going to place them. The advice is to do it at eye level or slightly above, but never too high or too low. Another tip is if you want to place them on a piece of furniture, make sure they are closer to the ceiling, otherwise they will appear to float.

The purpose of framing spaces

Pictures and mirrors are great allies when it comes to framing spaces and separating them from other places in the house. For example, you can make a composition of pictures and photos on the sofa, on the dining table, on a certain piece of furniture, on the bed in the bedroom… and create harmony in the rest and the set.

İdeal mesafe

To determine the ideal distance between them, you should consider the size of the boxes. The advice is that the smaller the squares, the less distance they should have between them, and the larger they are, the greater the distance. So remember that the minimum distance should be 5 cm so that they do not appear too close together.

Organize by region

Depending on which wall you want to decorate, one or another arrangement of pictures is more advisable. For example, a vertical composition gives a feeling of spaciousness and the ceilings are higher, so it looks good in the living room or bedroom. On the contrary, a horizontal composition is suitable for hallways, for example, because it will give the impression that they are taller.

Frame Rate

The size of the pictures will also depend on the space. The surefire trick to make them look good and decorate your wall aesthetically is to take into account the size of the wall in question. If you only hang small pictures on a small wall, it will look ridiculous, so it is recommended to combine small ones with medium-sized ones. On the other hand, if the wall is large, it is recommended that most of the frames are also large so that you do not see too much empty space.

Types of visual composition

Bedroom Table

We have said that the main element of decorating a wall tastefully is visual balance, since our brain is attracted to harmonic and balanced compositions. There are many types of compositions and you can invent more yourself, but we leave you some that you can use as a guide: three in a row composition, vertical three composition, two rhythm compositions, pinwheel composition and tetris composition.

Wall Paintings 2025 Fashion Trends was first published in Decorau.com. See you in our new Decoration Ideas article series, goodbye 🙂


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