New Trend Healthy Furniture 2025

Healthy Furniture 2025
What are Healthy Furniture? Have you ever wondered if your furniture is healthy? Are you familiar with the concept of home-healthy? Then you know that a key part of achieving this is that all the elements you bring into your home meet a set of premises.

What is healthy furniture?

The greatest wealth for people is undoubtedly health. In order to protect this health well, you need to choose the furniture that we are most involved with very well.

In this sentence, which is evaluated especially according to quality of life measurements, information about a lot of furniture should be given.

If the office furniture used in the workplaces where you spend your day from morning to night does not comply with health rules, it can cause you multiple negative conditions. These negative conditions are briefly as follows; Back pain, numbness and as a result, negatively stressing the person.


Why is Healthy Furniture Important?

The furniture and textiles we live in affect our health. This is because, under certain conditions, they can emit chemical products that affect the health and well-being of their occupants. This happens both in our homes and in our workplaces.

Here's an excerpt from a study by the Department of Labor on the quality of air in our homes:

“The construction materials used in a building, as well as the furniture, accessories and equipment used for its decoration and air conditioning, can, under certain conditions, emit chemical products that will affect the health and well-being of the building occupants.

“Important products include those used in furniture, flooring, ceiling tiles, paints, adhesives and sealants. Also materials used in mechanical ventilation systems, as well as acoustic, thermal or fire insulation. The most important will be those used in larger quantities and/or have higher emission rates.”


How to Choose Healthy Furniture?

The greatest wealth for people is undoubtedly health. In order to protect this health well, you need to choose the furniture that we are most involved with very well. If the office furniture used in the workplaces where you spend your day from morning to night does not comply with the health rules, it can show you more than one negative conditions. These negative conditions are briefly as follows; Back pain, numbness and as a result, negatively stressing the person.


Pressed wood used in furniture making contains formaldehyde, also called xylenes, butanol, butyl acetate, hexanal or benzene, among others.

Traditional polyurethane based paints contain nonane, decane, undecane, dimethyloctane, dimethylnonane, trimethylnonane, trimethylbenzene. You may not know exactly what they are, but the name suggests they are poisonous, right? That's right, they are.

In water-based paints, the solvent has been removed, but there are still elements in their composition that can be toxic.


What Should We Pay Attention to When Buying Furniture?

According to scientific research, furniture is among the products that harm human health the most. The reason for this is the preference for hard seats and tables that do not adapt to the adjustment of the seats. The most successful method of this preference is undoubtedly that the seat and the table are compatible with each other.



Flexibility of Office Furniture

Office furniture is among the products we use the most during the day. Therefore, these products need to be healthy and make us comfortable during the day. There are many methods to achieve this. These methods are briefly as follows; a soft sponge work chair and a desk that fits this chair. If you make this set organized and compatible with each other, you can create a positive office environment.



Materials Used

Our advice on this matter is to follow up to ensure that the materials and paints used in office furniture have licensed registration documents. If you successfully complete this follow-up, you will ensure that the products you will procure are healthier and more useful.



Quality of Furniture

The same sensitivity applies to home furniture rather than offices. Most of the time we spend outside of work is spent at home. That's why you should pay attention to the furniture we generally use, such as seating groups, from different perspectives.

kitchen furniture

You should especially make more effort in choosing kitchen furniture. What should be considered when renovating the kitchen? The reason for this is; since kitchens are the places where we eat and drink, they can affect our health much more quickly. 7 tips can give you an idea to have a kitchen with a relaxing decoration. For this reason, we especially recommend that you avoid these furniture that are 100% compatible with your health and do not contain chemical paints and are produced with sub-industry raw materials.



Organic Furniture Selection

A healthy piece of furniture is one made of solid wood and processed with natural products.

The processes performed on the furniture should be open porous so that the wood can breathe. Of course, with natural and ecological products that do not emit toxic gases.

Organic is not the same as healthy. It is important to differentiate as it is now fashionable to salvage old pieces. At certain times, especially in the sixties and seventies, highly toxic products were used to paint furniture. We must take this into account when sanding and removing these paintings.


Everything we do has an impact on the world. If it's bad for the environment, it's bad for us. That's why companies that produce with certified wood should be preferred.

Personally, I believe that design also contributes to the health of a piece of furniture. Organic lines without sharp edges or dangerous corners give us sweetness and create a more intimate environment, but that's just my opinion.

If you would like to get more detailed information about healthy and ecological furniture, do not hesitate to ask us, we will be happy to help you.


Meet our Editor Ocean In our blog, Ocean shares the most innovative ideas in the field of decoration. With years of experience, Ocean combines aesthetics and functionality to present you with the latest trends and timeless designs. Discover how you can transform your spaces with creative inspiration and practical solutions. Thank you for visiting us and sharing our passion for design!

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