Italian furniture in the project # insulation

First Group He spoke Russian, but soon foreigners joined the movement, wanting to promote his work. This is how the project gained international recognition. Participants continue to recreate the classics of world painting, intuitively using postmodern strategies for working with photography.

IB Gallery Company decided to join this flash mob as well, but in the way the main characters would appear furniture pieces…We selected from the catalogues of Italian factories sofas, armchairs, tables and chairs similar to those depicted in the paintings of the great masters.

Henri Matisse

Henri Matisse was a French painter and sculptor, leader of the Fauvist movement. He is known for his exploration of conveying emotion through color, shape, decoration and ornamentation.

In the photo: “The Reading Woman”Henri Matisse, 1921, mass transformers Selva.

“I just want someone who is tired and looks at my picture to feel peace and tranquility.”– Henri Matisse.

In the photo: “Venetian Red Interior”Henri Matisse, 1946, handcrafted Florentine table Chelini Fttc made of natural wood.

In the photo: “Cyclamen”Henri Matisse, 1911, five-legged design table Alberta Jagger.

“Art should not disturb or embarrass”… To give rest to a tired person is a worthy duty. Anyone who knew how to portray happiness and depicted it in each of his paintings had the right to say so: such an artist was Henri Matisse.

In the photo: “A woman sitting on a chair”Henri Matisse, 1926, striped armchair Balances.

“In music, the mood can change without a little trifle – the difference between major and minor tones is the same as the difference between sun and shadow; it is the same in painting – from the reduction of the surface of one color in favor of another, the expression of a color chord changes, assuming, of course, that it was composed by an artist who could give it this expression. . Therefore, it is not so easy to work with a pure, intense color that strongly affects neighboring colors.” – Henri Matisse.

In the photo: “Dancer and a chair on a black background”Henri Matisse, 1942, padded chair with armrests Bross Plaza.

In the photo: “Coffee” Henri Matisse, 1916, sehpa Syrian relief.

Auguste Renoir

Pierre Auguste Renoir was a French painter, graphic artist and sculptor, one of the main representatives of Impressionism. He is known as a master of secular portraiture, not devoid of sentimentality. The painting below shows Madame Monet reading on an upholstered floral sofa.

Renoir was always interested in people and applied all the basic principles of impressionism in portraits of his relatives, friends, wealthy clients and favorite models.

In the photo: “Girl sleeping with cat”Pierre Auguste Renoir, 1880, red armchairs DV Home Page.

Features of the work of the artist Pierre Auguste Renoir: emotionality, transience, created at the first impression, a quick pictorial sketch.

Vincent van Gogh

Vincent Van Gogh was a Dutch post-impressionist painter whose work has had a timeless influence on 20th-century painting.

The painting shows a rustic wooden chair with a simple wicker seat. On the seat is an ornate pipe and a bag of tobacco. Van Gogh painted the painting as an addition to another painting – “Gauguin’s Armchair”. Both paintings were made in December 1888, when the relationship between Gauguin and Van Gogh was strained. The plain chair symbolizes its empty, absent owner. It is an unusual example of how the most familiar object moves beyond the still life to represent the artist himself.

Van Gogh painted a picture on one of the rough canvases Gauguin had brought with him to Arles, and arranged the composition along flat, broad areas of color, with an intricate pattern created by the intersection of the lines of the chair and the tiles. The artist immediately personalized the object by including his name, along with his pipe, which he had written on a box in the background:

In the photo: Vincent's chairVincent van Gogh, 1888, chair Tiferno Montalcino

In the photo: “Gauguin’s armchair”Vincent Van Gogh, 1888, chair with armrests Tiferno Castellina.

Both paintings depict the cause of absence, vividly reflecting the living situation Van Gogh found himself in. Van Gogh’s cheap wooden chair contrasts with the modest, carefully crafted Gauguin chair.


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