Real or artificial plants? Make the right decision!

Maybe you visit a relative who has plants at home and you love them so much that you want to have them at home. But of course, the dilemma then arises: real plants or artificial plants? In fact, Only you should make this decision, If they are real you will have to take care of them so that they do not die and if they are artificial you will just have to clean the dust off.

Of course they are not the same but both will give you the feeling of being close to nature. There are artificial plants that are very successful right now and will allow you to enjoy them as long as you are in good shape. Ideal for people who have little time or are often fed up with real plants.

On the other hand, real plants are ideal for those who enjoy gardening and, above all, have the time to take care of plants. In fact, both types of plants (real and artificial) have their pros and cons.

It is important to consider all of these when choosing a type of plant to decorate your home. If you are not clear you may make a mistake in the decision, And you better be right to be comfortable in your home with whatever plants you decide to have!

Artificial plants and real plants

Choose carefully, using real planting is not the same as using artificial planting.

Real plants are beautiful but require special care. On the other hand, artificial plants do not require much maintenance, but they lack the natural magic that the ones that breathe have. People often wonder which plants are the best option, so it is a good option to be able to evaluate the pros and cons of each. It will be beneficial for you and help you choose better.

Artificial plants

Artificial plants, as we have discussed above, They are plants that look very realistic. and that they are made of materials to do so. It is a very suitable option for those who do not spend much time at home, since it does not require watering, does not need a pot, you move it because of the sun problem or you can do it frequently …

But of course, this does not mean that they do not need any maintenance… in fact, they do need several things:

  • I dust the leaves and petals
  • Clean with a wet wipe
  • Use a vacuum cleaner or dry cloth

It is true that in artificial plants you can find some species for which it would be much more complicated to have them at home as a real plant (orchids for example).

If you do not know how to choose an option, remember that artificial ones will not bring warmth to your home, that is, they will give you the green feeling of having plants, but you will not feel the natural freshness that the natural ones offer you.

In addition, artificial plants can be toxic and flammable and therefore dangerous. But on the other hand, you also need to have the patience to take good care of real plants… and artificial plants won’t give you any bug problems!

Real plants

Although artificial plants have been achieved very well, we cannot ignore that real plants will always be more dazzling than any artificial plants. Real plants are living beings that transform. They purify the air and give you color and liveliness in your home.

Ornamental, medicinal, wonderful… And there are even those that give you edible leaves or fruits. Although it is true that you have to take care of them often, they also give you their true beauty.

Do you care?

As we told you, Artificial plants require only the maintenance of the material they are made of.But when it comes to caring for real plants, it's important to look for a plant that's easy to care for and to keep it close to a sunlight source to begin with.

Do not place in direct sun to prevent the leaves from burning or fading too early.

If your memory is bad, You can set an alarm on your watch or phone to remind you to water the plants. At certain times. If you still find it difficult to water your plants, you can place a water bottle upside down on the ground (and with a lid and holes on it).

This way you can always drip water without realizing it. However, you can also choose plants that do not require much watering.


If, despite everything we mentioned above, you still have doubts and do not know whether to choose between real and artificial plants, then you will need to think about the time you have.

As we said at the beginning of this article, time is of the essence in any case. But of course, even if you have little time, you can still value something else: real plants can provide you with intense therapy while you take care of them. It is a necessary connection with nature that you can have in your home.

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