Closed or open kitchen? Advantages and disadvantages

When it comes to renovation, one of the most questionable issues is whether to leave the kitchen closed or open. Both options have a large following. When designing the kitchen you need to think about the needs of the family and the use you will give it. Below we show you the advantages and disadvantages of the two so that you can tell yourself the best solution for your home.

Advantages of a closed kitchen

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For those who do not want to share two spaces, the closed kitchen is a traditional option. It has the following advantages:

  • Closed kitchens prevent the spread of odors throughout the house. If the kitchen is separate from the living room, you won't smell like food while relaxing.
  • Another advantage is to isolate noises Household appliances: hood, washing machine, dishwasher.
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  • It gives you more comfort while cooking.
  • In a separate kitchen more privacy. If it is messy, you won't need to see it from the living room. You can also close the door and isolate it in case visitors come.
  • Being a standalone room allows you to play with different styles when decorating it.

Disadvantages of closed kitchens

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Closed kitchens have a number of disadvantages:

  • They remove the feeling of brightness and visual amplitude. Partitions make the space look smaller. Some closed kitchens are dark and have only a small window.
  • Difficulty accessing the table. An enclosed kitchen requires a larger path when putting food in, taking it out, and taking it off the table.
  • Social Isolation. When invited, the cook cannot talk to them while cooking.

Open kitchens: advantages

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There are many reasons to integrate the kitchen into the living room. An open kitchen is a space shared with other rooms in the house. There is usually an element that differentiates both areas, such as a bar, a peninsula, …

  • Open kitchen, greater feeling of freshness. This effect is enhanced by eliminating partitions. They are ideal for small homes.
  • They are in the kitchen brighterThe biggest problem with a closed kitchen is the poor lighting you have. This is not the case with open kitchens as they make use of the light that enters the living space.
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  • Allows cooking with family and friends. With this solution, family ties and socialization with guests are improved. Since the kitchen will not be isolated and it will be possible to ensure good communication and at the same time monitor the smallest of the house.
  • Before removing a septum advice from a professional to help you distribute the space well.
  • Make sure that the appliances you buy are as quiet as possible and do not clash with the decor.
  • Another advantage is makes table service easyThe kitchen and dining room are connected, allowing quicker access to the table.

Disadvantages of open kitchens

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Open kitchens have their disadvantages that should be taken into account:

  • The bad smells can spread throughout the house. Choose a high-powered and quiet hood. Open windows for good ventilation.
  • The noise from devices It can be annoying in the living room. Cooking makes noise and can disturb other family members watching TV. You also need to speak a little louder to be heard in the living area.
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  • Less peace of mind when it comes to cooking. Interacting with other family members while concentrating on cooking can be a problem.
  • If the kitchen is messy, it is visible. A lot of clutter is created in this room of the house because most of the time things are left to collect and this can be seen from the living room. However, in closed kitchens you close the door and you don't see the mess. There are practical ways to keep your kitchen counter tidy.

Intermediate solution: semi-open kitchens

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There is an intermediate solution: a semi-open kitchen, The advantages of open kitchens are to separate the spaces. Provided with glass panels, sliding glass doors or service hatch.

Glass and aluminum doors separate the kitchen from the living area and the hallway glass enclosureIt is a solution between closed and open kitchens.

This option gives you the independence to reduce the noise of your appliances and prevent bad odors from spreading throughout the house.

Another big advantage is Let natural light in, An ideal solution for kitchens overlooking the inner courtyard.

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One Sliding glass door Another solution. It makes the kitchen look more spacious and bright.

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One to serve a barn in the dining room It is also another solution to facilitate the preparation of tables and the transfer of dishes. Place a window to open it at any time and make the kitchen independent. You can place a shelf as a bar and two stools for fast food.

Which solution would you choose: open or closed kitchen? Both have their advantages and disadvantages. There are intermediate solutions that can have the advantages of both options.

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