5 gifts for friends that you can make at home

How to make 5 friend gifts that you can make at home? Making a friend is already a normal tradition in many familiesbut how about getting rid of the chaos of shopping malls and making gifts at home?

5 gifts for friends that you can make at home
5 gifts for friends that you can make at home

It may not be the most practical idea, but homemade gifts have great sentimental value and symbolize the desire to leave a piece of ourselves in what we give. In addition to being special, you can do a lot of research and save some money on gifts.

How to Make a Gift for a Friend?

Whatever your intention, we have prepared 5 gift ideas for you to make for your friend.

Marble Cup

This is a simple, cheap and versatile project. You can change the colors and even mix them for a different result. With this technique the mugs will be unique and can make a gift set.

Secret Friend

Fonte: The Sweetest Day


  • White ceramic mug
  • Nail polishes
  • An old or disposable pot
  • Warm water
  • Barbecue or toothpick
  • Paper towel
  • Varnish

Step by step:

Fill the pot with warm water until you want the color to soak into the glass.

Add drops of enamel, remembering that the more enamel, the less white the mug will appear in the final result.

Use a toothpick and swirl the enamel towards the surface of the water to create a marbled effect.

Quickly dip the part of the mug you want to paint in, remove it from the water and place it on a paper towel to dry. Do not touch the mug until it is completely dry.

For added durability, apply varnish over the design and let it dry again.

Leafy patterned cushion

Using sheets to print fabric is a super cool and personalized idea. Have fun playing with different colored paints and sheets.

Secret Friend

Fonte: Valentina's House


  • Fabric cushion cover
  • Various sheets
  • Fabric dye in desired color
  • Brush
  • Lining paper

Step by step:

Place the tree leaf on the paper and apply the paint using a brush. Do not use too much paint as it may fade along with the layer details.

Stick the sheet onto the cushion cover and repeat the process until you are satisfied.

Wait for the ink to dry completely.

Rustic Photo Wall

This is a gift for those who enjoy minimalism in decoration. The photos add a personal touch and provide an opportunity to remember moments with a secret friend.

Secret Friend

Source: Pinterest


  • Tree Branch
  • Printed / Enhanced Photos
  • Paper punching
  • Cord or rope

Step by step:

Arrange the photos on a surface and choose how they will be displayed on the wall.

Punch all photos in the middle, about 1cm from the top edge.

Cut the wires (their amount depends on the size of the branch), photo 3 is used in the example.

Make a cord that defines the distance you want between photos each time.

Link the first photo, exit the area and link the others.

Once all the strings are ready, tie them to the branch.

Neon Sign

Illuminated signs are on the rise and are a gift that can be personalized to your friend's taste. Let your imagination run wild and apply the idea to a drawing or use a few neons to create a sentence.

Secret Friend

Fonte: Spy DIY


  • Paper
  • Fountain pen
  • Tel
  • Think
  • hot glue
  • Paper pins
  • Battery operated neon lanyard
  • Stacks

Step by step:

Write down on paper what you want to use on the sign.

Use the pliers and your hands to shape the wire, using the word as a guide.

Once the wire is in the shape you want, apply hot glue to one end and start gluing the neons from the side without the battery case. Do this a little at a time so the glue doesn't dry and use the fasteners to help you with this step.

Allow the glue to dry.

Insert the batteries and your gift is ready.

Line frame

Technique art of line It is well known on decoration sites and consists of creating designs using lines. A longer project, but the result impresses and compensates for the work.

Secret Friend

Font: Tutulan Blog


  • MDF wooden board in the size you want
  • Hammer
  • Nails
  • Template of the design you want to make
  • Masking tape
  • Embroidery thread
  • Scissors

Step by step:

Print or draw a template of what you want to make. Cut it out with scissors.

Use masking tape to secure the molding to the wood and prevent it from coming loose.

Determine the distance between the nails and start nailing. This is the most laborious part of our day.

Once all the nails are secured, remove the molding.

Now the fun part begins. Tie the end of the thread to a nail and pass through the nails, changing the direction horizontally and vertically.

Repeat the process until you are satisfied. Finally, tie a knot at the end of the line.

Extra: Different ways to wrap gifts

Are you inspired by the idea of ​​making gifts at home? How about innovating the packaging of your secret friend?

With smooth wrapping paper and a lot of creativity, you can create stylish and original packaging.

Secret Friend

Font: Burkatron

1. Tie a tree leaf with jute twine for a rustic finish.

2. Use mini ornaments to wrap around the face of Christmas.

3. Give a special gift along with the gift. Finish the wrapping with string and use a mini clothespin to hold the photo.

The topic of 5 gifts for friends that you can make at home was first published on mobeltrend.com.


Meet our Editor Ocean In our blog, Ocean shares the most innovative ideas in the field of decoration. With years of experience, Ocean combines aesthetics and functionality to present you with the latest trends and timeless designs. Discover how you can transform your spaces with creative inspiration and practical solutions. Thank you for visiting us and sharing our passion for design!

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