How much does it cost to repair damp?

Dampness is one of the most common problems and headaches in most homes.

We may find moisture due to filtration because a neighbor left the tap open, a pipe is broken or there is a leak from the shower tray, among other reasons, and these are relatively easy and cheap to fix.

Resin injection moisture repair, a company specializing in moisture restoration, injects polyurethane into the soil to repair moisture

But we also have other situations that are much more complex and expensive to fix, such as moisture caused by capillarity, which requires more elaborate methods such as a possible injection of waterproofing product, among other solutions, which we will review below along with an approximate and average repair price.

And I say approximately because every moisture problem, regardless of type, requires a specific solution, which causes the price to vary widely.

Additionally, other details that have a direct impact on the price of moisture repair should be taken into consideration, such as the square footage affected, the severity of the damage, or the type of material to be treated.

With that said, let's look at the different types of dampness, its repair, and the cost of the treatments that need to be applied.

Capillary moisture


This type of moisture is the most difficult to solve and unfortunately also the most common, it is also usually the most expensive depending on the type of treatment used and therefore they require a comprehensive solution. , not you can make “patches” or partial repairs to eliminate the moisture by capillarity, because these are useless or at best temporary.

This type of moisture becomes a problem because the leak is coming from the basement of the house or building.

There are various methods to solve this type of humidity, from making a trench and placing a drainage pipe in the floor of the building, to drilling the floor or walls and injecting a waterproofing product, to other methods such as installing a siphon in the walls so as to drain the humidity or techniques such as reverse electroosmosis.

As you can imagine, all of these repairs should be done by a company that specializes in repairs and moisture removal, who will be able to give you advice and tell you which treatment is most effective.

Regarding the cost of treatments for moisture by capillary action, treatments with the injection of water repellent products cost around € 120 per square metre, the installation of siphons that drain the moisture costs around € 40 per siphon and is one of the cheapest options, while if it is necessary to install a wireless electroosmosis device, the price can reach € 6,000 per installed device.

Although it is one of the most expensive solutions, depending on each case, there are other more effective treatments for capillary moisture, as the waterproofing company Lemara tells us; the injection of waterproofing products, in this article where we can see what it is . . and how wireless electroosmosis works and how effective it is and the options we have to repair this moisture.

Filtration moisture

Filtration moisture

Photo Bin Decorating Ideas

Filtration moisture can be simple and inexpensive to repair, or more expensive and difficult to resolve, depending on where the leak is.

Let's look at an example of a cheap and simple repair:

Imagine you have a broken shower tray. Over time and before long, your downstairs neighbor will have dampness on the ceilings and walls of his house where water is leaking due to your broken shower tray.

The root problem must be solved first. In this case, this would be to repair or replace your shower tray and make sure it is completely waterproof.

If your home insurance does not cover this repair, the price is usually around €600.

Once the root problem is repaired and resolved, the damage caused by the leak occurring in the sub-floor is repaired.

Once the filtration has been cleaned and the ceilings and walls are allowed to dry completely, these repairs are usually inexpensive, as simply cleaning the walls, applying sealant, and repainting will often be sufficient. cases. cases.

The price of this repair will depend on how far the moisture has spread. If more than one ceiling and wall needs repairing, it will not be the same price as if just the bathroom ceiling needs repairing.

But to put an approximate price, you can take into account that each ceiling or wall can cost between 150 and 200 €.

As I told you, this is purely indicative, because it all depends on how much moisture has spread.

Now let's look at a filtering example that requires a more detailed process.:

If the moisture is not caused by a broken pipe, an open faucet or a leaking shower tray, among other similar problems, leaks can be water entering from the street, seeping through the walls of the foundation, cracks in the facade or pores in building materials.

As you can imagine, this type of filtration requires work, since to repair it it is necessary to insert layers of insulation placed inside a waterproof metal frame or to repair and clean the asphalt fabric, to renew the external cladding of the facade, to seal a curb or cracks with specific products based on fiberglass and resins, among other available methods to repair this type of leaks, depending on where the water is leaking.

Damp repair by injecting epoxy mortar into the foundation wall

Repair of dampness in the foundation wall of Lemara company using epoxy mortar.

As for the cost of repairing this damp, as you can see, it is very difficult to give an approximate cost as there are various types of repairs or possible solutions depending on the situation.

Humidity due to condensation

Moisture condensation

Pixabay Photography

The humidity caused by condensation is generally the easiest to solve, because if we allow the passage of air or adequate ventilation, these should be solved and do not require major works.

They are the cheapest, if not the cheapest, for this reason, because the price can increase a lot depending on the solution adopted.

For example, we can install a simple dehumidifier, devices that we can find available from around € 300. This would be a cheap solution.

Or there may also be a ventilation grille in some areas of the house, such as those commonly found in bathrooms.

However, another possible solution to prevent condensation moisture is to replace the windows of the house for those that have an RPT system that guarantees the breaking of the thermal bridge and, depending on the type of window and how many you have to replace, the price can reach perfectly € 4,000, as there are windows that can cost perfectly € 600 per window due to the technology they have, the materials used, the layers of glass, the gases between the layers of glass and other details.

Another solution to prevent condensation damp is to install a low energy positive input ventilation system (PIV) which eliminates condensation as it forces air into the home at low pressure but continues to remove condensation.

The price of these devices also varies depending on many factors, but a reasonable one can be perfectly around €2,000.

As you can see, the price varies considerably depending on the type of humidity and the solution, and it is not possible to give a definite price in advance, but we can only say the price after examining the different types of humidity and solutions. For more elaborate solutions, such as wireless electroosmosis devices, it can be around €500 (installing a dehumidifier for condensation humidity), up to €6000.

How much does it cost to repair damp?
The topic was first published on


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