Creating the Perfect Workspace for Virtual Meetings

Creating the Perfect Workspace for Virtual MeetingsWith teams spread across geographies and more people choosing to work from home, it’s crucial to get virtual meetings right. Online meetings bring all your teammates together in the same virtual space, empowering you to move forward on group tasks and solve problems as efficiently as if you were sitting across a table from each other. In fact, many people find online meetings to be more productive than in-person meetings because everything you say is recorded and can be redirected if needed.

So how do you set up your home office correctly for your virtual meetings? We have a checklist for running a perfect virtual meeting.

Wi-Fi Connection

This should go without saying, but we’ll say it anyway. Your internet connection should be fast and reliable, and your Wi-Fi router should be within range of your system. Make sure your webcam and audio systems are working properly, and that you’ve downloaded the software you need to make your virtual meeting work.

Work Area Lighting

Since virtual meetings can last up to several hours, your workspace should have plenty of lighting so your eyes don’t get tired. Set up your desk near a window and also plan for adequate task lighting if you’re working in the evening or at night. Ambient lighting near the ceiling, along with a focused desk lamp or pendant light, will give you the light you need. Also, make sure your computer screen has an anti-glare screen protector and a blue light filter to protect your eyes.

Home office light for virtual meeting

Neat Study Desk

Keeping your desk organized is a habit that can help boost your productivity. Especially when you’re working virtually from home, clutter at home has a way of taking over your desk. If you’re not careful, you may find yourself losing track of notes, important paperwork, and even files. Sort through all the papers on your desk and invest in a filing system for important documents. If all your documents are online, make sure your folders are well-organized and regularly updated. Your virtual meetings will go much better if the space around you is clear.

Virtual meetings at home

Sound system

Invest in a good conference call headset, as poor sound quality can result in poor productivity and poor meeting outcomes. Laptop speakers often don’t produce the best sound output, and if you’re struggling to hear what’s being said, your meeting won’t go well. Look into noise-canceling headphones that block out distracting noise from your home so you can focus on what’s being discussed.

While we're on the subject of sound, if your workspace is very noisy, you may want to look into soundproofing your home office to filter out unwanted sounds.

soundproofing for virtual meetings

Workspace Furniture

Your workspace should be set up for optimum working comfort, especially if you plan on working from home a lot in the future. Buy a chair that can adjust for optimum height, swivel, and angle; and offers excellent back support when you need it. Your desk should be designed to hold enough storage space for your stationery and files. If your work requires you to search for reference material, it’s a good idea to plan some storage shelves near your workspace for easy access to books and other supplies you may need. Don’t forget to add a pin-up board for your to-do notes.

Virtual meeting furniture

Workspace Ambience

The right mood can boost your work output more than you ever imagined. Do you like listening to music? Set up some good quality speakers and play music that motivates you to work harder. Having plants around your desk will always refresh and renew your spirits. Set up a few family photos, a stress ball, a sketchbook to jot down bright ideas, snacks to munch on, and a coaster for a cup of coffee. Organize your space so that you don’t have to keep coming in and out once you start your virtual meeting.

Organized for virtual meeting

We hope our tips helped you create the perfect space for your virtual meetings. If you need help designing your home office, contact Decorau.Com. We’re always happy to help!

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