How to decorate small gardens in a simple way?

Small gardens

Do you have small gardens in your home and wondering how to decorate them? Then you no longer have to worry but get to work because we will make sure that these spaces always look perfect. Even when we talk about small spaces there are many ideas that we can find.

Sometimes even these spaces leave us more original ideas than they would have if they were larger. So, you will see what a great advantage it is to have small gardens. If you do not believe it, you should let yourself go through all the steps that we are showing you right now. Here we go!

How to garden in a small space

We have space and we want to make the most of it to create a garden in it, we should start with:

  • Pan: It is always one of the greatest resources we have when we want to create a garden, so there is nothing like adapting its size to the garden. You can choose the dimensions, colors and even their placement.
  • A bank: If you have a wall, try to position the seat towards it so that it acts as a backrest. A complete bench or a succession of pallets could also be a great idea for our small garden. As we wanted to obtain a private and comfortable corner.
  • Try to make lines but they are not straight. When space is limited, we should try to take advantage of optical effects. To do this, we can draw curved lines in our small gardens with flowers, pots or whatever comes to mind. It will give more space to the ground!
  • Stones or tiles: They are always the best complements in our garden. You can follow a path or create some shapes with them.
Flowers for small gardens

How to design a garden at home

First of all, we must think about the style we want to give it: it can be elegant, we can opt for a more Zen or boho style. among others. So, in this case, it will be a matter of choosing a type of decoration, as we do in our house. The second step to take will be to separate that area from the others. To do this, you can always bet again on pots or a narrow stone path, which will make our eyes focus on it. Now, since we are talking about small gardens and we want them to look more open, it is your turn to give some width to the area. To do this, do not forget to place curved lines, pots that do not go one after the other, etc. Now it only remains to place two or three key pieces of furniture and that's it.

Decorating small gardens

When we have a small garden, we should take advantage of even the corners and never be better. Because the corners will also be a fundamental part of our ideas. You can decorate them with a plant and of course stones. So here You can get a parterre which we know is a more formal garden design where you can add plants or shrubs. and not always flowers.

Pots for small gardens

Pots for small gardens

In addition to stones, wood can also be the main protagonist. In other words, some surfaces can rely on it to create the most perfect combination, such as the wooden flower pot. How little space do you have for your taste? So there is nothing like choosing vertical gardens This also offers great originality. If you really want it simple, then bet on a type of corridor where you can decorate with stones, some flowers and a few bushes without overloading the space. It will be perfect for minimalist home designs. Sometimes there will also be cacti that can become the stars in our small gardens. Do you already have the idea in your head that you will put into practice more clearly?

Small gardens – How to decorate them in an easy way?
The topic was first published on


Meet our Editor Ocean In our blog, Ocean shares the most innovative ideas in the field of decoration. With years of experience, Ocean combines aesthetics and functionality to present you with the latest trends and timeless designs. Discover how you can transform your spaces with creative inspiration and practical solutions. Thank you for visiting us and sharing our passion for design!

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