Yin Yang Theory and Feng Shui at Home

yin Yang

The Yin-Yang theory is one of the main theories of all ancient Chinese schools of thought. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), ancient martial arts, Feng shui, I Ching and the entire cosmology of Taoism are based on the dynamics of Yin and Yang.

According to this theory, everything in our Universe is composed of two opposing but deeply interconnected forces: Yin (female) and Yang (male). The interaction between these two feng shui forces creates the essence of life around us. Despite their apparent opposition, one cannot exist without the other, and they deeply support and nourish each other.

Harmonious energy

The Tai Chi symbol is the best representation of the harmonious interaction of Yin and Yang forces. The feng shui colors Yin (female energy) is black and Yang (male energy) is white. Yin energy is soft, slow, relaxed, diffused, moist, passive and silent. Consider the rhythms and essence of feminine energy: The softness of the water, the mystery of the Moon, the darkness of the rich soil and the deep silence of the night.

yin Yang

The power of Yang is expressed through an energy quality that is opposite and contrasting to that of Yin. Imagine the bright clarity of the sun, the aggressive speed of race cars, the solid surface like a rock in the mountain and the focused energy of a laser beam.


Yang is the fiery essence of the midday sun and Yin is the silence and mystery of the night. Because your home needs balanced feng shui energy to support your well-being. It is important to understand the application of Yin-Yang theory on a practical and simple level.

Yin (passive energy) is the feng shui relaxation energy you need in your bedroom and feng shui spa bathroom. Yin energy is in the calm colors that surround you in soft music. in the soothing sound of a water fountain or the calming images of water.

Yang (active energy) is the feng shui energy expressed by strong, vibrant sounds and colors, bright lights, upward moving energy, tall plants, etc. You want to have a good Yang energy presence in your home office, kitchen, or living room. your front door and a nice dinner with friends…

yin Yang

Create balance

Yin-Yang energies cannot exist alone; they define each other as one is the condition for the existence of the other. A good feng shui home should have a harmonious expression of the rhythms of active and passive energies.

In Western culture, we tend to experience an imbalance of feng shui energies. We live in a constant flow of activity and are too busy with Yang quality feng shui energy and are often weak or even lacking in Yin energy (which is relaxing and nourishing).

Creating a home that reflects the balance of Yin-Yang feng shui is very important, so it is worth spending some time in your home and feeling out when you have a strong imbalance in these energies. Is your room lacking in relaxing Yin energy? Is there too much Yin and not enough Yang in your kitchen? There will always be a stronger quality of energy depending on the use of the space, But to have good feng shui in your home, you need to have Yin and Yang feng shui energies.

Use in specific areas

Establishing a harmonious balance between the feng shui forces of Yin and Yang in your home will create the quality of energy you need to live a healthy and fulfilling life. This means that some areas should have more yin or yang energy depending on their function within the home.

Your bedroom needs relaxing Yin energy to heal you, so it is very important to leave all dominant Yang feng shui elements in the room, such as a TV, exercise equipment, or any office supplies. Yin energy should be the dominant energy in your room (think relaxation, sensuality, sleep). You also need a slight Yang presence (think red candles, exciting imagery, a light accent color to balance out the deep colors, etc.). The same principle applies to your bathroom.

yin Yang

Your family room, living room, home office, and kitchen are all feng shui areas that will definitely benefit from a strong presence of Yang energy. Choose vibrant colors, upbeat music, and a variety of feng shui flooring elements to create an active quality of energy (happy family photos, bright books, fun games, etc.). While the Yin or relaxing element is not the dominant element here, you still need it for balance.Deep colors offer comfortable and cozy seating as well as some images with soothing Yin energy.

Yin Yang Theory and Feng Shui at Home
The topic was first published on mobeltrend.com.


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