How to redecorate a room you no longer love

room with large windows
A common experience in decorating is that the appearance of a room becomes less attractive after a while. Even though every detail is chosen according to personal criteria, tastes and needs also change. And there comes a time when the space looks different from current expectations. How do you redecorate a room that you no longer like? Decorau.Com We give you some ideas in it.

1. Update the needs analysis

Perhaps one of the reasons why you do not identify with what you perceive around you is that your current routine is different. And the room is no longer very functional and practical. Therefore, one of the processes you can carry out is to update the study of the study. needs focusing on what is relevant lately.

2. Eliminate leftovers

mirrored door wardrobe
Accumulating stuff is another mistake that leads to disorganization and lack of space utilization. Why keep things that take up valuable space but have no practical use or look aesthetically pleasing?

The desire to redecorate a room that you no longer like is a turning point in the property. To do this, one of the tasks you must do is to choose products that you want to continue to be part of your life and, on the contrary, can be donated. why intensify their work? Emir in this process? To make room for the new.

3. Choose three decoration targets

Bathroom furniture
Decorative goals must be realistic and achievable. Remember that every goal is contextualized in a project where different variables come into play: the available budget, the chosen decorative style, the square meters of the room…

How to guide the creative process? Choose three goals that will help you move from the current situation to the desired scenario. That is, this direction updates the transformation of a room from its final appearance to its potential appearance. Spend all the time you need to do it. targets Because once you clarify this question, you have taken an important step in the creative process.

4. Picture yourself in a newly renovated room

bedroom with large curtains
What are the characteristics of the environment? What kind of feelings do you experience in the space? What do you like most about the new environment? How do you feel when you are in the room? View It allows you to imagine what has not yet happened in reality, yet it is an experience that increases motivation in the process of change.

5. Contextualize your decisions

This room is located in a property with its own characteristics. If you want to create a visual continuity between the space and its surroundings, look for inspiration in the decoration proposals that are part of your home. For example, you can reinforce the effect of repeating the colors and details that are already part of the interior landscape.

6. Build a well-rounded foundation

stay wide
Your own experience can motivate you to create a flexible foundation with the ability to adapt to change. You may now perceive the image of a room that you liked at first from a completely different perspective. And this is something that can potentially happen again, because tastes evolve. So you can imagine this possibility in the following way: planning a place that has its own existence and also the ability to evolve.

Which room in your home do you no longer like as much? Enjoy the process of renewing this space that is a part of your life.


Meet our Editor Ocean In our blog, Ocean shares the most innovative ideas in the field of decoration. With years of experience, Ocean combines aesthetics and functionality to present you with the latest trends and timeless designs. Discover how you can transform your spaces with creative inspiration and practical solutions. Thank you for visiting us and sharing our passion for design!

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