How to renew a wicker chair

It's time to do it yourself: Restore a piece of furniture, a basket or a wicker chair to bring it back to its former glory. Or paint it to give it some color. Read how!

How to renew a wicker chair

Wicker chairs are a unique piece of furniture, indispensable especially on the terrace and in the garden. In fact, the latest interior design trends see them as absolute protagonists even in the home, thanks to the rediscovery of natural and simpler materials.

They tend to suffer from climate change, tone loss and wear, especially when outdoors. In these cases, many of us throw them away without thinking that they can be restored with little effort and a minimum of DIY attitude.

How to renew a wicker chair?

Materials: a few hours of free time, sandpaper, brushes, paint. Read on and find out how!

wicker furniture restoration

Guide to restoring wicker furniture

Wicker furniture, if kept outside, needs occasional maintenance. In fact, wicker is a plant fiber that is exposed to frost, sun and bad weather and undergoes a process of wear.

This treatment does not require a specialist operator, it can be done at home, especially if you consider it a pleasant and relaxing activity to do it yourself.

How to restore wicker furniture?

To take:

  • Sandpaper
  • Wood paste
  • Spatula
  • Brush or dusting brush
  • Microfiber bez
  • Soft bristle brush
  • Acrylic paint
  • talcum powder

Here's how to proceed:

  1. Sanding. Remove the nicks and paint with sandpaper. This step is the most tedious, but it is the basis for a good result, so it is important to do it right.
  2. Paste. Any holes or grooves can be filled with wood filler, which must be applied gently with a special spatula. Then use a damp microfiber cloth to soften the mortar, removing any excess. At this point you will need to wait for the excess mortar to dry. Finally, the abrasive paper should be passed again to smooth the surface.
  3. Painting. If you want to change the color of the chair, choose an acrylic paint in the shade you prefer. On the other hand, if you are keeping the natural color of the wicker, use a clean wood flat. Your tool at this stage is a soft-bristled brush, which will always be used in the same direction and evenly to avoid streaking. Wait a few hours before applying the second coat. At this point, let the chair dry for at least 48 hours before using it.
  4. One more tip. Before the paint is completely dry, sprinkle some talcum powder on the surface and rub it in. It will give you a perfectly shiny and smooth result.

wicker chairs paint

Paint wicker chairs

Restoring a wicker chair basically means two things: First, to restore it to its original glory after years of good service, and second, to renew its appearance by changing its color. For example, a shabby white instead of the natural color of the wood. Or – why not, peacock blue or crimson red.

In the first case, after removing the old paint and sanding the surface, we can use a transparent varnish or polish it with polish, as we said above.

The wax should be spread at least twice, with an interval of approximately 30 minutes between the first and second passes. Then, after it has dried, the polishing can be completed by wiping it with a woolen cloth.

On the other hand, if we want to paint the chair to color it, we can also use a spray paint with which it is easier to obtain a uniform result. It is important to pass the first coat horizontally and the second vertically or vice versa, so that the entire surface is covered optimally.

how to renew a wicker chair

Have you decided how to renew your wicker chair or furniture? Share the before and after photos with us!

How to renew a wicker chair
The topic was first published on


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