Contents insurance for your home furniture: what it is and what it covers

One Home Insurance Protecting our home and being prepared for possible problems is one of the best things we can do. Because there are many things in our home that we care about and if they are damaged or stolen, it would cost us a lot to replace. No one can repair sentimental value, but at least with a home insurance policy, we will have the assurance that we will be financially supported to replace anything that is damaged.

However, for this to happen, our home insurance needs to cover not only the continent but also the contents.

Insure contents in home insurance

Al rent your home insurance It’s important to review all of your coverage. The warranty that covers the furniture and everything else in your home is equivalent to contents insurance.

However, you should also consider the terms of the policy because not everything is covered. For example, art, jewelry or cash They often have special conditions and even require independent insurance.

In addition, the contents are insured up to a certain limit. That is, if the contents are insured for 5,000 euros and there is a fire in which all the contents are lost, the insurer will only pay 5,000 euros as compensation for the contents, or the corresponding rate if everything had not been lost. .

Then, It is very important to properly secure contentwithout going overboard (because it's useless, because the insurer will look at everything with a magnifying glass when it comes to compensation), but without leaving anything out. While it's true that increasing the amount of insurance included in the content increases the price of the policy, when it comes to making a claim, you'll be glad you did the right thing.

Frequently asked questions about contents insurance for furniture

Contents insurance for furniture in home policies often raises many questions. Below, we answer the most common ones.

What can be included in the content?

Everything inside your home is covered. Furniture, as well as appliances, decorative items, electronics, dishes, clothing and textiles, lamps, etc. are considered content. When it comes to cash, jewelry, and art, it’s important to review your coverage, as you may need to declare these assets separately and even protect them in a specific way.

Can a tenant get contents insurance?

It is highly recommended that renters or tenants have their own home insurance that covers their belongings as well as other coverage.

How are contents evaluated in home insurance?

Ideally, the insured should assess the value of the contents or the cost of replacing them. The point is that if a claim is made, compensation will be assessed by an expert. One way to get the fairest possible compensation is to submit receipts for the purchase of the furniture.


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