5 ideas for home decor with paintings

Wall pictures
We present 5 ideas for home decor with paintings. A beautiful painting with a relaxing aesthetic can change the room it is in. How to choose a piece that creates a perfect set with the room it is in? We share some examples with you in Decorau.Com, new home decoration ideas.

1. A color in the picture provides positive energy

living room painting

One of the tones present in the picture can act as a common object perceived in the space. That is, choose a color and increase the effect of repetition through its presence in other elements. You can see how much white and blue are in the image of the photo. They define the characteristics of the room as well as the work.

2. Find the proportion with the perimeter

big picture bed
The painting establishes a connection with the elements around it. And to enhance the beauty of the chosen work, it is important to observe the context. An overly busy place, different painting models will minimize the visual importance of the painting. On the contrary, looking for proportion is the key to making this element the focal point. For example, in a work on the wall framing the headboard, the painting should be in harmony with the whole.

A sense of proportion and connection with the environment that you can maintain everywhere. Also, when you choose a work to decorate the wall behind the sofa. Do you want to find a good artistic complement to combine with a basic unit? In this case, the dimensions of the table should be in perfect harmony with the dresser, table or sideboard.

3. Picture frame suggestion

Art is a value that enhances the beauty of the house. Culture is a component that gives life to the house. There are different trends in frames that can inspire you to dress the house. Today, simple designs and straight lines prevail. Frames that combine perfectly with contemporary style rooms due to their characteristics. And also, add a northern touch or a rustic air. Therefore, how to create an e table consider what the main style of your house is to choose a work with a frame that is in harmony with the essence of the space.

Large paintings, complete with moldings and embossed frames, are common in Baroque style rooms, interiors where an abundance of ornamentation is a clear feature.

4. Table selection for empty fields

pictures on the living room wall
A work of art of significant value deserves a special spotlight on the wall. Therefore, it is recommended not to overload the surface with large frame options. However, in order to plan the ideal place where you want to place the piece, decorative paintings are also an ideal choice to fill the empty spaces. It allows the artist's work to be admired even more in its nuances, leaving free space around the work.

Therefore, if you are going to hang two pictures on the same wall, it is recommended to leave some space between them. On the other hand, you can also look for a connection between the selected pieces.

5. Emotions created by the work

picture in the office
Art conveys sensations that are connected to the subjectivity of the person who observes a work. When choosing colors to dress a room, it is appropriate to consider what effect design wall paintings have on an emotional level. Color therapy explores this question. Therefore, the picture is framed in a room with certain characteristics. Is it in a resting place? Are you decorating your office at home? Are you decorating one of the walls of a house? Is it a multifunctional area like a living room? Does it bring rhythm to the hallway? It is useful to pay attention to these.

Choose a work that is integrated into context based on the sensations it conveys.


Meet our Editor Ocean In our blog, Ocean shares the most innovative ideas in the field of decoration. With years of experience, Ocean combines aesthetics and functionality to present you with the latest trends and timeless designs. Discover how you can transform your spaces with creative inspiration and practical solutions. Thank you for visiting us and sharing our passion for design!

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