8 rules for adding furniture to your decoration

We will talk to you about these rules for arranging furniture in your decoration. Also, if you have an empty room, filling it and making it look nice can still be a daunting task. But there are some principles that can go very well for you and make your decoration look great. You just have to follow these rules and your own intuition for everything to go well.

Arranging your furniture in a room and achieving a perfect decoration will be even easier thanks to everything we will tell you below. Take notes and you will never have this problem again.

1. A focal point

A focal point is necessary to balance the decoration in every room, it has great power. It can be natural thanks to a large window or fireplace is in the room, but in most cases it needs to be created to look beautiful.

You can put a TV for it, a sofa in a nice color… you choose. Just think about what you want that focal point to be and make it happen. It can also be a color, an object, an area of ​​the room, etc.

furniture wall art

2. It is better if the furniture is away from the wall

When it is a small room, there is no other option but to have the furniture close to the walls, but if you have a more or less large room, it is better not to have the furniture attached to the wall. For example, you can create conversation zones in the middle of the room.

3. Find balance

Finding balance is very important in organizing furniture, so you have to be very specific about it. You have to take into account both its size and its location. You should make sure that you do not group all the pieces in one area of ​​the room.

If you do this, space can be disproportionate and chaotic. Ideally, there are a variety of shapes, for example if you have very straight chairs you can opt for a round table for dining.

furniture wall art

4. When does the movement occur?

It is also very important to consider the traffic flow in that area. You should place your furniture in a way that does not impede the flow of people passing through that room. This way you will avoid stumbling and other problems. The space should be as open as possible so that you can walk from one end of the room to the other.

5. Right-sized rugs

Not just any carpet is worth it, you must know how to choose carpets that really fit the texture, size, color and shape. So, You will need to evaluate what the room looks like and what you want to achieve with that rug.

6. Large coffee table

If you are in the living room or den, if you think about the furniture you want to put in it, a large coffee table is a good option. Especially if you like to have guests at home. It can also become a seal pointBut it's also a great place to meet up with loved ones when you need to.

furniture wall art

7. Don't miss the light

Lighting is essential in every room and of course, you should give it a priority role in decoration, because it is part of it. Do not neglect this aspect because it is very important. You can use floor lamps, table lamps, ceiling lamps, spotlights, wall lamps … whatever you think will be best for you.

A floor lamp can go great next to a bed without a bedside lamp, next to a couch, or behind an accent chair. There are also table lamps that would be great on side tables or a desk that needs extra lighting. In either case, lighting should be placed at different levels to make a balanced lighting.

But of course, you can't neglect natural lighting during the day with large windows. If necessary, use translucent curtains so that they can't see you from the outside, but you can still let all that light in through the window into your room.

8. Correct works of art

Not all artworks or paintings are worth it… You need to know how to choose not only the color, theme and location, but also the right size. Pictures, objects, mirrors can be hung on the wall… but they need to be placed strategically and is always proportional to the size of the furniture.

If you have large furniture, do not hang small pictures as they will be too unbalanced. If you have large furniture, use large pictures. Ideally, if you have a large piece, should be two-thirds of the frame length use a picture of that piece of furniture or a group of pictures.

For example, if you want to use a small picture and have large furniture, you can use a larger picture and leave the picture in the middle. It's a nice shape and will look great. Use your intuition and you'll see it looks great on you!

The topic 8 rules for adding furniture to your decoration was first published on mobeltrend.com.


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