7 ideas to celebrate and decorate your birthday during the pandemic

7 ideas to celebrate and decorate a birthday during the pandemic ? The current pandemic has turned all our plans upside down, absolutely all of them. From trips to celebrations and although we can all go without a birthday celebration or similar event, we must make a little effort for the little ones and always arrange and prepare something, of course taking all the necessary safety measures.

This is what we are going to see now, ideas to celebrate and decorate a birthday in a pandemic, so that no child remains without and everything remains with maximum security.

Decorate the house so that you see it decorated from the first moment you wake up.

It's kind of like when Santa Claus or Father Christmas comes: the illusion starts from the first moment they get up in the morning, right?

In this case it will be the same. But with a birthday decoration.

You can do thousands of things:

Place a wreath in the hallway or somewhere else so that it is the first thing he sees when he comes out of his room..

Happy birthday wreath to decorate home

There are hundreds of them, specific to ages, genders or themes. You can buy the one we see above these lines from Letsgo Fiesta.

In addition to the wreath you can: decorate a table for breakfast with the entire party setting.

Balloons, garlands, confetti, glitter, gift, a beautiful tablecloth, etc. In this sense, we have birthday sets that include everything, as we see under these lines:

Children's birthday decorative set

Letsgo Fiesta Birthday Set

This set, for example, comes with a banner, garland, cupcake wrappers, noisemakers, balloons, streamers, satin ribbons, pencil cases, cake decorations and straws. It's completely complete and you don't have to make it yourself or buy it in parts.

Instead of giving him a surprise, you prefer to have the child decorate his birthday because that is also the fun part, the day before you decorate the whole house together.

There are thousands of ideas on the internet to inspire you, create a decoration with a theme according to what you are looking for. You are sure to find the perfect decoration.

Birthday decoration

Photography by Balloon_Worldwide

Disguise or disguise

It doesn't have to be carnival-like to dress up, and even less so if it's for one of your kids' birthdays.

Buy or make costumes from her favorite theme or whatever you want her to like and spend the day or at least the duration of the celebration disguised as this.

Birthday Costumes

This invites celebration, optimism and the fruition of a birthday party, don't you think?

You can buy ready-made clothes without leaving home or make them yourself if you are excited. Anything that brings excitement and happiness is always positive. These are the ones we see on these lines from Letsgo Fiesta.

Order or prepare a special breakfast

If you don't like it or don't have time to prepare a special breakfast, as you know very well, there are companies in all cities today that prepare the breakfast you want and bring it home hot, fresh and ready.

So in addition to the beautiful and festive table, it wouldn't hurt to make the breakfast as special and personalized as possible. Isn't it great to start your birthday like this?

Prepare multiple video calls

After having breakfast and seeing his enthusiasm through the roof, you can continue celebrating his birthday by making a few video calls.

If friends or family members cannot come to his birthday due to the epidemic, it is an imperative task to prepare some video calls with his beloved family and friends so that they can congratulate him, bless his birthday and feel more special if possible, on his birthday.

Remote games

Video call birthday

Today technology allows us to play with our friends remotely. Online with Play or Xbox, or using an app or online game, or by making a group video call and letting the kids play remotely and safely for a while.

In this sense, you can play many simple and fun games, such as costume contests.

Organize a surprise with neighbors

If you get along well with your neighbors, or at least some of them, another idea to celebrate children's birthdays in the pandemic is to meet them at a certain time to talk and go out on the balcony, each neighbor for himself. Of course, and when that time comes, all the neighbors present will sing you the well-deserved Happy Birthday song.

All these ideas for organizing and hosting a birthday party in Covid times are remote and completely safe.

However, If you have decided to gather a few children and the party is face to face, By following some simple rules and regulations, you will ensure that the party is as safe as possible.:

Small group of children:

The more friends the better, right? But unfortunately, this cannot be a maxim.

Therefore, if you decide to organize a physical birthday, the ideal is for the group of children to be small.

Do it outdoors:

This isn't always possible, but if you can have your birthday outside, it's much better than being locked in a house.

And if inside a house, try to keep windows open to allow for constant ventilation.

Use of masks:

As you know, it is mandatory for children over 6 years of age to wear a mask.

This adds another layer of safety. Teach them how to wear it correctly and enjoy it safely.

Separate meals, desserts and cakes:

Prepare each meal separately. Yes, you can prepare the same meal: sandwiches, cake, muffins, desserts, etc., but they are all separate and each child eats from their plate without reaching for someone else's.

Without blowing the cake:

If there is a large cake for everyone to eat, better have the child or someone else, blow out the candles so that everyone can eat that cake later.

Hand washing and disinfection:

Try to get a few bottles of hydroalcoholic gel and have children wash their hands periodically.

With these precautions, you can have as safe a birthday party as possible if you decide to have it in person.

As you can see, even with the damn Covid-19 pandemic, we still have many options to organize and decorate a fabulous and safe birthday party for the little ones that should never be missed. Don't you think so? I read you in the comments.

And if you think a friend or family member might like this article, please share it. Thanks!

You can also read these 5 simple and fun ideas for decorating a child's birthday.

The topic 7 ideas to celebrate and decorate a birthday during the pandemic was first published on mobeltrend.com.


Meet our Editor Ocean In our blog, Ocean shares the most innovative ideas in the field of decoration. With years of experience, Ocean combines aesthetics and functionality to present you with the latest trends and timeless designs. Discover how you can transform your spaces with creative inspiration and practical solutions. Thank you for visiting us and sharing our passion for design!

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