6 ideas to decorate your bathroom

It's not your house, but it is your home. And so you should feel comfortable in it by decorating any room that requires it—even the hardest spaces to personalize when renting, like the bathroom or kitchen.

And although we have limitations when it comes to decorating the bathroom of an apartment or a rental house, it is not impossible to give it a personal touch to adapt it to our tastes. And that is exactly what we will see next: 6 DIY and decorative ideas that you can do yourself to completely decorate and furnish your bathroom without disturbing the landlord. Let's see them.

Add more storage. All you want

DIY bathroom shelves

If the bathroom in your rental apartment doesn't have enough furniture or shelves to meet your organizational demands, you need to fix it. This small change will make you feel better in a functional bathroom that fits you.

You can make your own custom shelves and furniture and once they are ready, you can install them without drilling if your landlord does not allow you to drill the tiles. This way, you will have the advantage of being able to take your belongings with you when you leave the apartment without any problems.

There are a variety of effective products on the market today for creating or installing furniture, such as super-strong adhesives that allow you to do it without using nails. This durable product allows you to install shelves, furniture, towel racks, coat racks, and anything else you need to create a space that provides you with all the storage capacity you need.

Additionally, the good thing about this type of adhesive is that not only can you add furniture or other practical accessories, but their durability also makes them perfect for giving your bathtub a new look:

Decorate the bathtub

Bathtub decorated with faux stone panels

Photos and artwork from Lovely Crafty Home

With a little DIY job to keep you busy on Saturday morning, you can install a faux stone, wood or material you like best to personalize the tub.

Once you have it off the floor, all you have to do is pick it up, just clean off any glue residue that may have stuck to the surface, and that’s it.

There’s no need to use building materials or do any renovations, so you can leave the apartment as it is when you move out. It’s a simple, cheap DIY job with huge transformative power that will allow you to customize the bathroom to your liking. We all know how most rental bathrooms tend to be: dull, characterless, characterless.

Let's look at more DIY and decorative ideas to personalize the bathroom.

Install vinyl flooring

Vinyl flooring installation

If your bathroom is relatively small and you have the materials and tools to replace the floor, this DIY job will take you less than a weekend and you can give the space a renewed atmosphere.

The floor is one of the most important elements at a decorative level. A change in its interior will make a big difference in the entire bathroom. In addition, laying vinyl flooring is not only very simple, but also cheap. Of course, if you dare to install it, you should keep in mind that when you leave the floor, you will need strength and a little patience to remove it. And the truth is that this floor, if a good adhesive is used, adheres very well to the surface and then it is difficult to remove it.

In addition, I would recommend only putting waterproof tiles if the bathroom floor has them, because if they are porous, the glue will get between the pores and you will not be able to remove it later. Therefore, make sure that the floor is completely waterproof; it does not matter if it is glossy or not, what matters is that it has a closed pore.

However, if you have a floor that is suitable for installing vinyl flooring, I would recommend doing so because you are creating a completely new bathroom. When you leave, you just take it out, clean up the old floor and it is as if nothing happened.

Put decorative vinyls

Shower curtain with decorative vinyl

Decorative vinyl decals are inexpensive, simple to install and easy to remove, so you can decorate that old tile wall you don't like or give an old shower screen a new look. What's more, you can decorate anything from walls to bathroom screens, furniture and even toilets with them.

You just need to make sure that the surface you are going to stick the vinyl to is in good condition. It doesn’t matter how old it is, as long as it is in good condition so that you don’t damage the surface in question when you go to remove the vinyl as it leaves the floor.

Change small elements

Bathroom with matte black faucet

Wouldn’t you like to have a bathroom with black faucets? This is not a DIY job, but changing these small accessories will definitely redecorate this area of ​​your rental apartment.

When I talk about small bathroom accessories I mean the following items:

  • Sink tap
  • Give me a shower
  • shower head
  • Towel rack
  • Roll holder

In most cases, all these accessories can be replaced without any difficulty and it is these small details that will make your bathroom look completely new and adapted to you.

Of course, when you replace one of these pieces with another that you like better, be sure to put it in a box with the other pieces and label it so you can leave everything as is when you move it off the floor.

Change the lighting

It is not always possible to put this point into practice because in most cases the lighting in the bathrooms is recessed, but if you have lamps or wall lights in your bathroom you can replace them with the ones you like, as you do with the taps, the towel rail and other elements.

As in the previous case, every time you take something out, store it well in a box and label it so that you can put it back without any problem when you leave that house.

By following all these points, you will be able to change many details and elements of the apartment without disturbing the landlord. Do you have any DIY tips or tricks that you would like to share?

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6 DIY ideas to decorate and furnish your rental bathroom
The topic was first published on mobeltrend.com.


Meet our Editor Ocean In our blog, Ocean shares the most innovative ideas in the field of decoration. With years of experience, Ocean combines aesthetics and functionality to present you with the latest trends and timeless designs. Discover how you can transform your spaces with creative inspiration and practical solutions. Thank you for visiting us and sharing our passion for design!

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