5 ideas to transform your home with vinyl

Decorative vinyls have a tremendous decorative power. They are one of the most useful and effective sources for not only decorating the house but also for transforming a normal space into a personality.

Naturally, it all depends on the vinyl and where we put it.

So, continue as I prepare 5 ideas that you can apply at home to decorate with vinyl and create a focal point so that you can make the most of a decorative vinyl since, depending on where it is placed, an effect with more decorative impact can be achieved.

And that's what we're going to see. We're getting started.

Customize your workspace with a personalized vinyl

Decorative vinyl in home workspace

Vinyl and photo from HispaPrint.com

A motivational quote, an inspiring drawing or scene, a charismatic character, or any symbol or motif that inspires you and helps you be more productive. The problem in most cases is that they don't sell the exact statement we want to make in the vintage, which is our personal mantra, right?

If that’s your situation, if you have a phrase that inspires you and makes you grow as a person, and you want to see it in your workspace every day, you can create your own personalized vinyl with the exact phrase you want, and in the color and size you need. I can’t think of a better way to add personality and character to a space than with something that’s completely unique to you.

To find such vinyls, there are custom printing and labeling companies like HispaPrint where we can order the design we want using custom cut vinyl to decorate our workspace with that profound sentence that overwhelms us every time we read it.

To purchase one, simply follow the simple purchasing process they recommend and upload your file with the required specifications.

Let's see another good idea to use a vinyl and get the most out of it.

Put a vinyl on the headboard of the bed

Decorative vinyl as headboard

When I said before that a record can transform your home, this is a good example of what I was talking about, because with a vinyl we can even do without the classic title that in many cases cannot be placed for reasons of space or because we do not want it.

If this is your situation, you have dozens of vinyls with headboard designs to put on your bed. Or if you want a personalized design, a headboard plate to your liking, you can have this made for you and have your headboard completely personalized.

This one utilizes a decorative vinyl.

Decorative vinyl on the headboard of the bed

Personalized vinyl and photo from HispaPrint.com

And it doesn't have to be a vinyl in the shape of a headboard. You can even have a headboard but you want to decorate the wall behind it. With a decorative vinyl, as we see above these lines, you can do this easily and in a very decorative way, creating an effect accent in the bedroom.

Let's see another idea to use a vinyl and transform your home.

Decorate the wall behind the sofa

Decorative vinyl on the back of the sofa

One of the most important decorative points in a living room is the wall behind the sofa. In addition, it is not only important, but also relatively complex. I receive dozens of comments and emails asking me for help and advice on decorating this wall.

One of the many ways to decorate this wall is to use a decorative vinyl that suits your style and gives the living room an authentic touch that gives the personality of your home.

This location is another one that will benefit the most from installing a high impact and decorative vinyl. It is one of the most visible and most present places.

You can completely transform the decoration of your living room by placing a decorative vinyl on the wall of the sofa.

Want to know another impact location where to place vinyl?

Decorate the living room with decorative vinyls

Decorative vinyl decorating the hall

HispaPrint Vinil

I like to put records in the hall whenever I can in the projects I do because they make a great impression.

And not just every time your guests enter your home, but also for yourself because you can put something there that will make you feel good just by seeing it.

From a vinyl featuring your pet's face to a decorative vinyl with a relaxed and friendly expression, there's nothing like a decorative element you have inside your home to greet you as soon as you open the door and for any other reason, it will attract the buyer.

And this idea works not just in a home, but also in work spaces like a dental clinic or any other business with a waiting room.

In fact, do you remember the last time you had someone? What was a decorative vinyl on your walls? Because as I said, it's a great idea and a resource that adds so much importance and personality to the space it's placed in.

Don't tell me this isn't a great idea. It's a great way to utilize decorative vinyl.

Here’s another place I like to put a decorative vinyl whenever I can because of its great decorative power and the transformation it offers:

Decorate the kitchen with decorative vinyl

Decorative vinyl decorating the kitchen

In the kitchen, little can be done to decorate the walls, as most of them are covered with furniture, cabinets and appliances, and the rest is tiles.

So, either you paint the whole thing or you reform it. We can do a little more customization on it.

If it is not obvious that we place a decorative vinyl on tiles, furniture or kitchen facades and create the most attractive decorative accent. Another place where decorative vinyls shine the most.

Now you know 5 places where putting a decorative vinyl can transform the decor of your home.

Do you have vinyl in these areas? Are you going to put any there? Let us read yours in the comments.

And if you think this article might interest a friend or family member, please share it. Thanks!

5 ideas to transform your home with vinyl
The topic was first published on mobeltrend.com.


Meet our Editor Ocean In our blog, Ocean shares the most innovative ideas in the field of decoration. With years of experience, Ocean combines aesthetics and functionality to present you with the latest trends and timeless designs. Discover how you can transform your spaces with creative inspiration and practical solutions. Thank you for visiting us and sharing our passion for design!

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