5 decoration ideas for the hallway

When you enter, when you go out, you pass through it to reach the kitchen, the living room… The hallway is an important transition area that should not be neglected in its decoration. Yet we often pass by it. It is time to fix it! Fill in the decoration ideas for your hallway here.

Remove wallpaper, paint, mirrors, the hallway can accommodate all fantasies as long as they do not disrupt traffic. A hallway should remain practical if it can present a very original and interesting image. Westwing helps you find inspiration and balance between decor and functionality.

Decorating the hallway: take space constraints into account

What rooms serve this corridor? Where does it go? Is it dark? Should it be furnished with some furniture? Do you want the corridor to be sober? Does it contradict the universes of the pieces it connects? Before starting anything, answer all these questions. Your answers will allow you to determine the possible decoration(s). The entrance corridor will not be decorated in the same way as the floor corridor. In the first one you will have to make various arrangements: coat racks, shoe cabinets… in the second one they will not be necessary.

And since we're talking about it, here you'll find a ton of ideas for organizing and decorating an entryway.

Choose a theme

In the hallway, as in any room in the house, it is better to determine the atmosphere before starting your decoration. Do you want a vintage decor style? Do you prefer Scandinavian style? If you wish, you can give it a Haussmann atmosphere by fixing some moldings to the wall or ceiling. Again, all decorations are allowed in the hallway!

A decoration for the useful hallway

If the decoration is there to look beautiful, it can also compensate for certain imbalances or errors. The color in the hallway can blur the feeling of tension, excessive splendor or add a little light to it when it is too dark. For this, paints or wallpapers are real allies.

Enlarge your hallway with paint

To give depth to a hallway and widen it at the same time, apply a wallpaper to the wall facing the front door or cover the door and its surroundings with a dark paint, but leave light walls.

Another way to widen a hallway: Choose a neutral, bright color with a dark base and white at the top. Add mirrors to maximize the expansion of this area.

Do you really want a bright hallway? Aim for light tones or white. Make sure you get a clean and visually widened passage by painting the floor white as well. But be careful with “too white”: it can be cold and really dazzle. In this case, shade it: for example, opt for off-white on the ceiling.

Narrowing a corridor with paint

Identify the part of the hallway that you think is too much and cover it with a different wallpaper or paint than what is used in the rest of the hallway (walls and ceiling).

A more dynamic corridor

Playing with contrasts energizes a space. You can stick a mural on one wall and use a paint color on the parallel wall. If the wallpaper in the hallway is very colorful, head for white paint for the other wall. Conversely, if the wallpaper colors remain sober, be more daring on the paint side.

To punctuate a hallway, consider contrasting the doors and/or their frames from the rest of the wall: white/black, blue/white, or even dare to give each door a specific color.

To note : graphic, floral, animal, poetic… Any type of wallpaper can claim a place in the hallway.

Objects to fix for a stylish hallway


Meet our Editor Ocean In our blog, Ocean shares the most innovative ideas in the field of decoration. With years of experience, Ocean combines aesthetics and functionality to present you with the latest trends and timeless designs. Discover how you can transform your spaces with creative inspiration and practical solutions. Thank you for visiting us and sharing our passion for design!

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