15 ideas for decorating a girl's room

Cushions, cushions and more cushionsCushions, cushions and more cushions

Decorating a girl's room isn't always easy. You have to take into account her tastes, her age, how quickly she'll grow, and the activities she'll do in her bedroom. Will she read there or will she have somewhere else to do it? Will it also be your playroom? Will she sleep alone or with a sister?

Considering all the possibilities, exploring these decorating tips for girls' rooms will definitely help you hit the nail on the head.

Use pastel tones

Use pastel tonesUse pastel tones

Traditionally, there has been a tendency to think that the most appropriate colors for children's rooms are blue (for a boy) and pink (for a girl). However, outside of this simple classification, the color palette offers an endless variety of pastel hues that can be used to paint the walls of any girl's room.

For example, white, gray, beige, green, lilac or yellow, in their softer tones, can be perfect for this type of room. Even combined with each other!

Do not throw away wallpaper or vinyls

Do not throw away wallpaper or vinylsDo not throw away wallpaper or vinyls

Painting the walls in your favorite colors is not the only option to liven up a girl's bedroom far from it. Consider the possibility of pasting decorative vinyl or wallpaper with motifs that you think she will like the most.

Choose your favorite animated character, a floral motif or decorate the walls of the room with animal pictures. The result can be amazing! Also, if your daughter is young and you think that her tastes can change as she grows up because they can be easily changed, these solutions can be ideal.

Provides color with accessories too

Provides color with accessories tooProvides color with accessories too

And don’t just focus on the walls to give her that touch of color that every girl’s room needs to spark joy and imagination. There are many accessories that can achieve this, such as curtains or pictures or picture frames that you can hang.

Even a ceiling lamp or a nightstand can be the object that brings that elegance and original touch to the bedroom.

Place a title that sparks their imagination

Place a title that sparks their imaginationPlace a title that sparks their imagination

The headboard is not only a useful element to delimit the space of the bed and prevent our head from coming into direct contact with the wall. It can be an excellent object to head a girl's room since there are multiple possibilities in this regard.

Choosing a colorful one with an original print or even based on your favorite movie can make the difference between a room and an original girl's room.

Decorate the walls with your creations

Decorate the walls with your creationsDecorate the walls with your creations

Another option when it comes to giving originality to a girl's bedroom, giving it a very personal touch, is to place her drawings, crafts, removable toys or memories on the walls or shelves. They will be able to collect and organize them herself and also adapt to her age and tastes.

Or let them use their own photos

allow them to use their own photosallow them to use their own photos

How about letting her decorate your space with her photos? Photos she has taken (if she loves photography and is older) or photos that show her in different situations: disguised, on her birthday, with her friends, at the pool or even a series of her reflecting on how she is doing. Can you imagine how beautiful your bedroom could be?

In addition, these photos can be glued to the wall, hung with original frames or other forms of display can be used, such as a string and some small clips end-to-end or a simple cork that serves as a photo board.

Stand next to a bed at height

Stand next to a bed at heightStand next to a bed at height

Regarding the bed, we must not forget that this element, in addition to being functional, can also be a place to play and dream, especially if you place it at a height. This means that the bed is placed in a loft that the girl accesses by means of a ladder, leaving the lower part free to use it for what she likes to do most.

Play, work, read or make a place to relax. Under a height bed can be placed an area with toys, a table or some original bars. The boundaries are determined only by imagination.

Or do you prefer bunk beds?

Or do you prefer bunk beds?Or do you prefer bunk beds?

Another possibility is to place a bunk bed with two beds, one above the other or both in an L-shaped form. This type of layout is especially suitable for shared rooms where two girls sleep. In addition, they will help you save a lot of space.

Practicality of trundle beds

Practicality of trundle bedsPracticality of trundle beds

If you wish, you can choose a trundle bed. This type of bed has an additional bed at the bottom that can be removed and placed when necessary. When to choose this option? Especially when the girl sleeps alone or is visited by many cousins ​​or friends.

Also, when you grow up and stop sharing your room with visitors, that space occupied by the lower bed can be filled with large drawers that will serve as storage space, which becomes more and more necessary as you get older.

Don't forget to put a carpet

Don't forget to put a carpetDon't forget to put a carpet

It is essential to place a large rug on the floor of the girl's room, preferably at the foot of the bed or next to the play area. Basically, because especially when they are smaller, they sit or lie on the floor to play, color or read stories.

If you do not want the girl to get cold or hurt, it is best to choose a carpet in her room. Remember that you can choose them well fluffy, soft and even in fun colors or patterns.

Cushions, cushions and more cushions

Cushions, cushions and more cushionsCushions, cushions and more cushions

Along the same lines, having enough pillows is also very important. Precisely because of your small frame and short height, you may very well need pillows to sit on a chair to do your homework or to raise your head while reading in bed.

Therefore, it is a good idea to fill your room with a few pillows, which can also be the most striking decorative elements.

Adapt furniture to the girl's age

Adapt furniture to the girl's ageAdapt furniture to the girl's age

It's not just about changing the colors or fabrics of the kids' bedroom as the girl grows, it's about adapting the bedroom space to her new needs.

For example, if you choose to buy a child's bed, you will most likely need to replace it with a larger bed, as well as the furniture, and your room should have everything you need to accommodate your new professions and hobbies.

In this sense, the most advisable thing is that you choose to fill the bedroom from the beginning with versatile furniture and decoration that can be used for all ages or at least can be easily changed or modified.

Make sure you have enough storage space

Make sure you have enough storage spaceMake sure you have enough storage space

Considering the future, it is very important to leave free space to gradually introduce storage furniture or place it in the girl's room from the very first moment.

Clothes, shoes, books, toys, souvenirs … The children's room is a place where you tend to collect all kinds of objects. And this is a risk, because it can turn the bedroom into a real mess and can be uncomfortable and even dangerous for the girl herself. Therefore, children's storage solutions are also very important.

Find out what kids' dressers can bring

Find out what kids' dressers can bringDiscover what children's dressers can contribute

For the same reason, children's dressers were designed with the storage needs of girls' bedrooms in mind. In addition to serving to store all the things girls accumulate, children's dressers can be excellent decorative items and also serve as display stands.

Of course, you have to take into account two important issues. First of all, that it should be combined as much as possible with the rest of the furniture. And secondly, that it does not pose a danger to them as much as possible, for example, those with rounded ends.

Don't forget the mirrors!

Don't forget the mirrors!Don't forget the mirrors!

We tend to think that mirrors are unnecessary when dealing with kids’ rooms. However, quite the opposite, kids may also find it useful to have a full-length mirror in their closet or a smaller mirror on one of the walls of their room.

Being able to see themselves in the mirror to check if they are ready to face the day is also very important for girls. In addition, well-placed mirrors can also be used to increase the lighting in the room and even play with other elements.

Find the balance between fantasy and simplicity

Find the balance between fantasy and simplicityFind the balance between fantasy and simplicity

When applying all the above tips, you should always have a clear premise: find the balance between excess and imperfection, fantasy and simplicity. It is necessary to consider not that the children's room is, anything goes, but that the items placed in it should please him, and not satiate him.

On the other hand, if you are afraid of exceeding a certain limit, you may be inadequate when it comes to decorating a child's room. It should have light, color, fun and originality, but in moderation and according to its personality.


The color of the room, the choice of accessories and headboards, the suitability of the furniture, the type of bed, textiles or mirrors… Nothing in the girls' bedroom should be chosen at random, because this area will mark your free time, work and leisure.

The girl should feel comfortable in her room, with everything that surrounds her, so it is very important to take into account these tips and, above all, her preferences, as much as possible.

The topic 15 ideas for decorating a girl's room appeared first on mobeltrend.com.


Meet our Editor Ocean In our blog, Ocean shares the most innovative ideas in the field of decoration. With years of experience, Ocean combines aesthetics and functionality to present you with the latest trends and timeless designs. Discover how you can transform your spaces with creative inspiration and practical solutions. Thank you for visiting us and sharing our passion for design!

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