11 Tips for a Comfortable Night's Sleep

Sleep deprivation is a widespread global problem and is believed to affect one in three people worldwide. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has actually declared inadequate sleep a public health epidemic, with an estimated 70 million Americans believed to suffer from it.

11 Tips for a Comfortable Night's Sleep. Comfortable bedding in a grey bedroom11 Tips for a Comfortable Night's Sleep. Comfortable bedding in a grey bedroom

There are many causes of sleep deprivation, from serious health issues to stress, lack of sleep, caffeine, medications, and more. Sometimes, the problem can be caused by an uncomfortable bedroom.

So what can you do to achieve a well-deserved closure? Here are some helpful tips:

  1. Check Your Bedding and Pillows

The comfort you get from your mattress and pillow choices can affect your sleep quality. A mattress that can relieve pressure on your body will provide better sleep quality, but it still depends on your personal preference and sleeping position. If you’re a side sleeper, consider sleeping with a pillow between your legs. If you have trouble falling asleep and are frequently waking up with back problems, check to see if it’s time for a new mattress.

  1. Organize Regularly

A dirty bedroom can also contribute to your sleep problems. Clean your room regularly to encourage your body to relax and fall asleep faster. If you're running out of space, consider getting an ottoman bed to increase storage.

  1. Avoid Too Much Light

Too much light can prevent a good night's sleep because it disrupts your body's circadian rhythm, which regulates your sleep-wake cycle. Blackout curtains or blinds can keep your bedroom dark all night by blocking outside light. Also, keep blue-light emitting devices like televisions, computers, cell phones, and others away from you.

11 Tips for a Comfortable Night's Sleep. Bright sun rays in the morning11 Tips for a Comfortable Night's Sleep. Bright sun rays in the morning

  1. Keep Room Temperature Low

There's another reason to keep your room cool. Apparently, a cool room temperature of 65 degrees Fahrenheit (+18 Celsius) encourages melanin production and helps speed up the sleep process.

  1. Eat early

Prepare your body for a good night's sleep, even hours before you go to bed. Avoid alcohol, chocolate, caffeine, and nicotine two to three hours before falling asleep. In addition to causing indigestion, caffeine can keep you awake all night. Additionally, drinking fluids shortly before bed can wake you up because you need to use the bathroom.

  1. Minimize Allergy Attacks

If a stuffy or runny nose, watery eyes, or sneezing are keeping you up all night, combat this by cleaning and placing indoor plants. The latter can help filter indoor air pollutants and release clean air, helping to reduce allergy attacks. You can also look into organic bedding and pillows to take care of your health.

  1. Stick to a Schedule

Train your body to sleep and wake up at specific times. Stick to a strict sleep-wake schedule every day to manage your body's circadian rhythm. Keep this schedule even on weekends and vacations, even when it's tempting to stay up late and party all night.

  1. Increase Sunlight Exposure

Daily exposure to sunlight not only meets your vitamin D needs, but can also help set your body clock properly and also stimulate cortisol production by warming the body. Sunlight is also said to stimulate the production of serotonin, another sleep-regulating hormone.

  1. Exercise

Exercising early in the morning and afternoon can also help restore your circadian rhythm. Vigorous physical activity not only tires you out, but can also increase your body temperature, making you sleepy once your body temperature returns to normal.

  1. Create a Separate Workspace

To achieve work-life balance, separate your work area from your bedroom. Don't do anything else work-related while in your bedroom. Make sure your bed is made for sleeping only.

If your sleep problems are triggered by stress, consider the following bonus tip.

  1. Meditate

This practice aims to teach your body to relax. Meditation promotes deep sleep by: increasing sleep hormones called melatonin and serotonin, lowering heart rate and blood pressure.


High-quality shut-eye can be achieved by creating a ‘Zen’ room, or a room that encourages ultimate relaxation and comfort. One way to relax yourself is to relieve stress, a common culprit in sleep disorders. If you have a sleep disorder or a serious health condition, it is best to consult your healthcare professional.


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